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Whirl Islands

Access to:
Accessible from any exit: Route 41

Surf is required to access all of the islands, as well as to navigate the Southwest cave and B2F. Wild Pokémon can also be encountered in these areas and Lugia's room with Surf.
Whirlpool is required to access all of the islands.
Flash is recommended.

Choose display option for Pokémon tables:


  • Wild Horsea and Seadra have a 2% chance of holding a Dragon Scale.

Walking (1F)

Combined (Compressed)
Pokémon Gold Silver Crystal Condition(s)
Krabby 50% lv. 22, 24 50% lv. 22, 24 40% lv. 22, 24 Morning, Day
50% lv. 22, 24 50% lv. 22, 24 60% lv. 22, 24 Night
Zubat 30% lv. 23 30% lv. 23 30% lv. 23 Anytime
Seel 15% lv. 22, 24 15% lv. 22, 24 25% lv. 22, 24 Morning, Day
15% lv. 22, 24 15% lv. 22, 24 N/A Night
Golbat 5% lv. 23 5% lv. 23 5% lv. 25 Morning, Day
5% lv. 23 5% lv. 23 10% lv. 24, 25 Night

Walking (B1F)

Combined (Compressed)
Pokémon Gold Silver Crystal Condition(s)
Krabby 50% lv. 23, 25 50% lv. 23, 25 40% lv. 23, 25 Morning, Day
50% lv. 23, 25 50% lv. 23, 25 60% lv. 23, 25 Night
Zubat 30% lv. 24 30% lv. 24 30% lv. 24 Anytime
Seel 15% lv. 23, 25 15% lv. 23, 25 25% lv. 23, 25 Morning, Day
15% lv. 23, 25 15% lv. 23, 25 N/A Night
Golbat 5% lv. 24 5% lv. 24 5% lv. 26 Morning, Day
5% lv. 24 5% lv. 24 10% lv. 25, 26 Night

Walking (B2F)

Combined (Compressed)
Pokémon Gold Silver Crystal Condition(s)
Krabby 50% lv. 23, 25 50% lv. 23, 25 40% lv. 24, 26 Morning, Day
50% lv. 23, 25 50% lv. 23, 25 60% lv. 24, 26 Night
Zubat 30% lv. 24 30% lv. 24 30% lv. 25 Anytime
Seel 15% lv. 23, 25 15% lv. 23, 25 25% lv. 24, 26 Morning, Day
15% lv. 23, 25 15% lv. 23, 25 N/A Night
Golbat 5% lv. 24 5% lv. 24 5% lv. 27 Morning, Day
5% lv. 24 5% lv. 24 10% lv. 26, 27 Night

Walking (Lugia's Room)

Combined (Compressed)
Pokémon Gold Silver Crystal Condition(s)
Krabby 50% lv. 24, 26 50% lv. 24, 26 40% lv. 25, 27 Morning, Day
50% lv. 24, 26 50% lv. 24, 26 60% lv. 25, 27 Night
Zubat 30% lv. 25 30% lv. 25 30% lv. 26 Anytime
Seel 15% lv. 24, 26 15% lv. 24, 26 25% lv. 25, 27 Morning, Day
15% lv. 24, 26 15% lv. 24, 26 N/A Night
Golbat 5% lv. 25 5% lv. 25 5% lv. 28 Morning, Day
5% lv. 25 5% lv. 25 10% lv. 27, 28 Night

Surfing (1F)

Combined (Compressed)
Pokémon Gold Silver Crystal
Tentacool 60% lv. 20-24 60% lv. 20-24 60% lv. 20-24
Horsea 30% lv. 15-19 30% lv. 15-19 30% lv. 15-19
Tentacruel 10% lv. 20-24 10% lv. 20-24 10% lv. 20-24

Surfing (B2F)

Combined (Compressed)
Pokémon Gold Silver Crystal
Horsea 90% lv. 15-24 90% lv. 15-24 90% lv. 15-24
Tentacruel 10% lv. 20-24 10% lv. 20-24 10% lv. 20-24

Surfing (Lugia's Room)

Combined (Compressed)
Pokémon Gold Silver Crystal
Horsea 60% lv. 20-24 60% lv. 20-24 60% lv. 20-24
Tentacruel 30% lv. 20-24 30% lv. 20-24 30% lv. 20-24
Seadra 10% lv. 20-24 10% lv. 20-24 10% lv. 20-24


All Versions
Pokémon Level Games Notes
Lugia 70 G S C On B3F. It can only be encountered here after obtaining the Silver Wing in Pewter City.
If defeated, no other Lugia can be obtained on the save file unless it is restarted.
Lugia 40 G S C On B3F. It can only be encountered here after obtaining the Silver Wing at the Goldenrod Radio Tower.
If defeated, no other Lugia can be obtained on the save file unless it is restarted.
Lugia 60 G S C On B3F. It can only be encountered here after obtaining the Silver Wing in Pewter City.
If defeated, no other Lugia can be obtained on the save file unless it is restarted.

Fishing (1F, B2F, and Lugia's Room)

Combined (Compressed)
Rod Pokémon Gold Silver Crystal
Magikarp 85% lv. 10 85% lv. 10 85% lv. 10
Krabby 15% lv. 10 15% lv. 10 15% lv. 10
Krabby 55% lv. 20 55% lv. 20 55% lv. 20
Magikarp 35% lv. 20 35% lv. 20 35% lv. 20
Horsea 10% lv. 20 10% lv. 20 10% lv. 20
Krabby 40% lv. 40 40% lv. 40 40% lv. 40
Horsea 30% lv. 40 30% lv. 40 30% lv. 40
Kingler 20% lv. 40 20% lv. 40 20% lv. 40
Seadra 10% lv. 40 10% lv. 40 10% lv. 40



Gold, Silver, and Crystal Items (1F)
Item Games Location Notes
Guard Spec. G S C In the southwestern cave, across the water
Ultra Ball G S C In the southwestern cave, in the east area
Ultra Ball G S C In the northeastern cave, accessible by jumping over the southern ledges


Gold, Silver, and Crystal Items (B1F)
Item Games Location Notes
Full Restore G S C Southeast of the northwestern ladder
Ultra Ball G S C In the dead-end northeast of the southeastern ladder Hidden.
Rare Candy G S C On the floor tile in the dead-end northeast of the northeastern ladder Hidden.
Carbos G S C Southwest of the northwestern ladder
Full Restore G S C In the rock south of the Carbos Hidden.
Nugget G S C Near the center of the northern part
Calcium G S C Northeast of the southeastern ladder
Escape Rope G S C East of the southwestern ladder


Gold, Silver, and Crystal Items (B2F)
Item Games Location Notes
Max Revive G S C West of the main ladder to the north, accessible from the northeastern cave
Max Elixer G S C Southwest of the ladder in the enclosed area, accessible from the northwestern cave
Full Restore G S C Northeast of the ladder in the enclosed area, accessible from the northwestern cave