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Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee Berry Locations

The following table contains the location(s) of all Berries in Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee.

In the Overworld

Unless otherwise stated, all hidden items seem to have a chance to regenerate at midnight every day.

This table contains only hidden items that are always guaranteed to be the same item. Randomly determined items are below this table.

This table also does not contain locations of Berries that can be picked up by walking Pokémon.

Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee Berry Locations (Overworld)
Item Area Location Notes
Razz Berry (20x) Pallet Town Obtained from Professor Oak in his Lab Only after delivering the Parcel.
Razz Berry (3x) Viridian Forest In the southeast area
Razz Berry (3x) Route 24 At the southern end of the western grass patch
Pinap Berry (3x) Route 24 In a bush east of Nugget Bridge, on the path accessible from the eastern part of Route 25 Hidden.
Nanab Berry (3x) Route 25 In a bush southwest of the ponds south of Bill's Sea Cottage Hidden.
Razz Berry (3x) Route 5 In the bush west of the Day Care Hidden.
Nanab Berry (3x) Route 5 West of the Underground Path entrance
Pinap Berry (3x) S.S. Anne Deck Under the southeast table Hidden.
Pinap Berry (5x) Route 9 In the southeast area, east of Hiker Alan Hidden.
Nanab Berry (5x) Route 10 On the southern half, in the flowers east of the Rock Tunnel exit Hidden.
Silver Pinap Berry (3x) Route 8 In the bush northwest of Gamer Rich Hidden.
Pinap Berry (5x) Route 7 At the base of the tree near the entrance to Celadon City Hidden.
Razz Berry (5x) Celadon City At the north end of the path east of the cuttable tree Hidden.
Silver Pinap Berry (5x) Route 12 On the fence south of the tree east of the Route 11 entrance Hidden.
Golden Pinap Berry Route 13 On the opposite side of the fence from the Trainer Tips sign Hidden.
Silver Nanab Berry (5x) Route 13 At the western end of the path south of Punk Guy Jared Hidden.
Golden Razz Berry Route 14 In the northernmost part of the grass patch Hidden.
Golden Nanab Berry Route 15 In the grass patch west of the Route 15 sign Hidden.
Silver Razz Berry (3x) Route 17 In the yellow bush northwest of the southernmost grass patch Hidden.
Silver Pinap Berry (5x) Route 17 In the southernmost grass patch
Silver Pinap Berry (3x) Route 17 In the yellow bush southeast of the southernmost grass patch Hidden.
Silver Nanab Berry (3x) Route 17 In the yellow bush south of the bench north of Gentleman Orson Hidden.
Silver Razz Berry (3x) Route 18 In the second yellow bush south of the western part of the fence separating Routes 17 and 18 Hidden.
Silver Razz Berry (3x) Silph Co. 3F On the middle plant of the three plants in the northwest Hidden.
Silver Nanab Berry (3x) Silph Co. 5F On the eastern plant of the two plants west of the elevator Hidden.
Silver Pinap Berry (3x) Silph Co. 6F On the plant in the southeast Hidden.
Nanab Berry (3x) Silph Co. 7F On the second plant from the south in the center hallway Hidden.
Silver Razz Berry (3x) Silph Co. 8F On the plant in the southeast Hidden.
Silver Razz Berry (5x) Pokémon Mansion 1F North of the stairs from 3F
Golden Razz Berry (3x) Route 23 East of the guard who checks for the Cascade Badge
Golden Nanab Berry (3x) Route 23 Northeast of the guard who checks for the Thunder Badge
Golden Razz Berry (5x) Route 23 On the island Requires Sea Skim.
Golden Pinap Berry (3x) Route 23 West of the guard who checks for the Soul Badge Requires Sea Skim.
Golden Nanab Berry (5x) Route 23 Southeast of the guard who checks for the Volcano Badge Requires Sea Skim.
Golden Pinap Berry (5x) Route 23 In the grass patch north of the guard who checks for the Volcano Badge Requires Sea Skim.
Golden Nanab Berry (5x) Victory Road 3F East of Ace Trainer Caroline

Randomly Generated Berries

Celadon Game Corner

The Game Corner has six spots where hidden items can be found daily. Each spot has a 50% chance of spawning a Berry.

The precise locations of these item spots, and the Berry type assigned to each spot, are shown below.

Location Berry Type
In the southwest corner Razz Berry
On the fire extinguisher on the western wall Razz Berry
East of the northeasternmost slot machine, on the ground Nanab Berry
West of the northeasternmost slot machine, on the ground Nanab Berry
Between the counters leading to the rest area in the east, on the ground Pinap Berry
Southwest of the northeast couch in the rest area on the east, on the ground Pinap Berry

Route 17

These items will regenerate after every 256 steps taken by the player.

A Razz Berry, Razz Berry (3x), Nanab Berry, Nanab Berry (3x), Pinap Berry, or Pinap Berry (3x) can be found in the following areas:

5 Razz Berries or a single Silver Razz Berry can be found in a yellow bush north of Jolteon.

5 Nanab Berries or a single Silver Nanab Berry can be found between the two yellow bushes north of the grass patch north of the pond.

5 Pinap Berries or a single Silver Pinap Berry can be found along the eastern fence, near the middle lamppost east of the pond.

Cerulean Cave 2F

2F has eleven spots where hidden items can be found. All spots are 'glowing' and have a 10%-30% (depending on the spot) chance of regenerating for every 256 steps the player takes. Five of the spots yield Golden Berries. The exact locations of each spot can be found here, in the 'Cerulean Cave Locations' tab. The specific chance of finding each Berry type is shown in the table below.

Item Chance
Golden Razz Berry 50%
Golden Nanab Berry 33.33%
Golden Pinap Berry 16.67%

Day Care

When the player retrieves a Pokémon left at the Day Care, they will receive an item, depending on the number of steps taken since depositing the Pokémon. Except for the Rare Candy, all possible rewards are Berries, and are listed below.

500 Steps 1500 Steps 3000 Steps 5000 Steps 8000 Steps
Razz Berry 30% N/A
Nanab Berry 21% N/A
Pinap Berry 15% N/A
Razz Berry (3x) 10% 15% N/A
Nanab Berry (3x) 7% 10% N/A
Pinap Berry (3x) 5% 10% N/A
Silver Razz Berry 7% 10% N/A
Silver Nanab Berry 5% 10% N/A
Silver Pinap Berry N/A 7% 8% 12% N/A
Razz Berry (5x) N/A 12% N/A
Nanab Berry (5x) N/A 8% N/A
Pinap Berry (5x) N/A 7% 12% N/A
Golden Razz Berry N/A 5% 9% 12%
Golden Nanab Berry N/A 3% 7% 12% 18%
Golden Pinap Berry N/A 2% 5% 12% 34%
Rare Candy N/A 1% 5% 10% 20%
Silver Razz Berry (3x) N/A 15% N/A
Silver Nanab Berry (3x) N/A 12% 15% N/A
Silver Pinap Berry (3x) N/A 7% 12% 10%

Walking Pokémon

These items can be found in the overworld by the player's walking Pokémon. There may be Berries that can be obtained from walking Pokémon that aren't listed here, because I haven't seen them before. If you find something not listed here, please contact me.

Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee Berry Locations (Walking Pokémon)
Area Location Possible Berries Notes
Route 1 In the bush to the northeast Razz Berry
Pewter City In the bush near the house southeast of the Pewter Museum Razz Berry, Nanab Berry
Route 3 In the bush east of Bug Catcher Greg Razz Berry, Nanab Berry
Route 4 In the bush between the plateaus Razz Berry, Nanab Berry
Cerulean City Under the bench east of the burgled house Razz Berry, Nanab Berry, Pinap Berry Only Normal-types can find these Berries.
Route 24 In the bush northeast of Nugget Bridge, accessible from Route 25 Razz Berry, Silver Razz Berry, Golden Razz Berry
Route 11 In the bush to the northwest Razz Berry, Silver Razz Berry, Golden Razz Berry
Route 8 In the bush east of the Underground Path entrance Pinap Berry, Silver Pinap Berry, Golden Pinap Berry
Route 7 In the bush east of the Underground Path entrance Nanab Berry, Silver Nanab Berry, Golden Nanab Berry
Route 14 In the bush southeast of Bird Keeper Benny Nanab Berry, Silver Nanab Berry, Golden Nanab Berry
Route 15 In the bush southeast of Coach Trainer Midge (requires Chop Down) Pinap Berry, Silver Pinap Berry, Golden Pinap Berry
Route 16 Behind the fence west of the grass patch (requires Chop Down) Razz Berry, Nanab Berry, Pinap Berry Only Psychic-types can find these Berries.
Route 17 In the yellow bush south of Camper Ruben on Route 16 Pinap Berry, Silver Pinap Berry, Golden Pinap Berry
Route 17 In the yellow bush southeast of the northernmost grass patch Nanab Berry, Silver Nanab Berry, Golden Nanab Berry
Route 18 In the yellow bush at the corner of the water Razz Berry, Silver Razz Berry, Golden Razz Berry