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Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee Walking Pokémon Items

The following table contains the location(s) of all places where a walking Pokémon can find an item in Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee.

There may be items that can be obtained from walking Pokémon that aren't listed here, because I haven't seen them before. If you find something not listed here, please contact me.

Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee Walking Pokémon Items
Area Location Item(s) Notes
Route 1 In the bush to the northeast Razz Berry
Viridian City In the flower bed east of the Pokémon Center Pretty Wing See the list below
Viridian City South of the pond in the southwest Pearl Water-types only
Pewter City In the bush near the house southeast of the Pewter Museum Razz Berry, Nanab Berry
Route 3 In the bush east of Bug Catcher Greg Razz Berry, Nanab Berry
Mt. Moon 1F On the wall southeast of Bug Catcher Kent Stardust, Star Piece, Nugget Fighting-types only
Mt. Moon 1F On the northern wall northwest of Lass Miriam Stardust, Star Piece, Nugget Fighting-types only
Mt. Moon B1F In the area accessible from the easternmost ladder on 1F, east of the ladder to B2F Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom Paras and Parasect only
Mt. Moon B1F In the area accessible from the ladder near Youngster Josh on 1F, between the 1F and B2F ladders Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom Paras and Parasect only
Mt. Moon B1F In the area accessible from the northernmost ladder on 1F, south of the ladder to 1F Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom Paras and Parasect only
Mt. Moon B2F In the area accessible from the easternmost ladder on 1F, east of the Team Rocket Grunt Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom Paras and Parasect only
Mt. Moon B2F In the area accessible from the northernmost ladder on 1F, on the northern wall next to a crater Stardust, Star Piece, Nugget Fighting-types only
Mt. Moon B2F On the path south of the Fossils Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom Paras and Parasect only
Route 4 In the bush between the plateaus east of Mt. Moon Razz Berry, Nanab Berry
Cerulean City In the flower bed south of Nugget Bridge Pretty Wing See the list below
Cerulean City Under the bench east of the burgled house Razz Berry, Nanab Berry, Pinap Berry Normal-types only
Route 24 In the bush northeast of Nugget Bridge, accessible from Route 25 Razz Berry, Silver Razz Berry, Golden Razz Berry
Route 25 Near the eastern pond southeast of Bill's house Pearl, Big Pearl Water-types only
Vermilion City In the flower bed near the entrance to Route 11 Pretty Wing See the list below
Route 11 In the bush to the northwest Razz Berry, Silver Raz Berry, Golden Razz Berry
Rock Tunnel 1F In the sand patch south of the northern entrance Stardust, Star Piece Ground-types only
Rock Tunnel 1F On the northern wall in the horizontal hallway south of the northern entrance Stardust, Star Piece, Nugget Fighting-types only
Rock Tunnel 1F In a crevice in a rock southeast of Camper Lenny Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom, Fire Stone Rock-types only
Rock Tunnel 1F In the sand patch south of Hiker Claus Stardust, Star Piece Ground-types only
Rock Tunnel 1F In a crevice in a rock southeast of Camper Leroy Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom, Thunder Stone Rock-types only
Rock Tunnel B1F In the sand patch near the ladder east of Poké Maniac Winston Stardust, Star Piece Ground-types only
Rock Tunnel B1F On the northern wall north of Black Belt Dudley Stardust, Star Piece, Nugget Fighting-types only
Rock Tunnel B1F On the northern wall north of Black Belt Dudley Stardust, Star Piece, Nugget Fighting-types only
Rock Tunnel B1F In a crevice in a rock in the southwest area Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom, Water Stone Rock-types only
Rock Tunnel B1F On the northern wall west of Poké Maniac Cooper Stardust, Star Piece, Nugget Fighting-types only
Rock Tunnel B1F In the sand patch southwest of Black Belt Steve Stardust, Star Piece Ground-types only
Lavender Town In the flower bed south of Pokémon Tower Pretty Wing See the list below
Route 8 In the bush east of the Underground Path entrance Pinap Berry, Silver Pinap Berry, Golden Pinap Berry
Route 7 In the bush east of the Underground Path entrance Nanab Berry, Silver Nanab Berry, Golden Nanab Berry
Celadon City In the flower bed east of the fountain Pretty Wing See the list below
Pokémon Tower 4F Near the stairs to 3F Pearl Ghost-types only
Route 12 Next to the water east of Mr. Dazzling's house Pearl, Big Pearl, Heart Scale Water-types only
Route 14 In the bush southeast of Bird Keeper Benny Nanab Berry, Silver Nanab Berry, Golden Nanab Berry
Route 15 In the bush southeast of Coach Trainer Midge (requires Chop Down) Pinap Berry, Silver Pinap Berry, Golden Pinap Berry
Route 16 Behind the fence west of the grass patch Razz Berry, Nanab Berry, Pinap Berry, Nugget Psychic-types only
Route 17 In the yellow bush south of Camper Ruben on Route 16 Pinap Berry, Silver Pinap Berry, Golden Pinap Berry
Route 17 In the yellow bush southeast of the northernmost grass patch Nanab Berry, Silver Nanab Berry, Golden Nanab Berry
Route 18 In the yellow bush at the corner of the water Razz Berry, Silver Razz Berry, Golden Razz Berry
Saffron City In the flower bed near the northern exit Pretty Wing See the list below
Route 19 East of the ledges Pearl, Big Pearl Ground-types only
Seafoam Islands B1F In a rock in the southwest corner Pearl, Big Pearl, Ice Stone Ice-types only
Seafoam Islands B2F In a rock on the northern wall, east of the northwest ladder Pearl, Big Pearl, Ice Stone Ice-types only
Seafoam Islands B2F In a rock on the southern wall, east of the southwest ladder Pearl, Big Pearl, Ice Stone Ice-types only
Victory Road 1F In a crevice in a rock in the northeast corner Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom, Fire Stone Rock-types only
Victory Road 2F Along the northern wall Stardust, Star Piece, Nugget Fighting-types only
Victory Road 3F In a crevice in a rock on the north wall Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom, Fire Stone Rock-types only
Victory Road 3F Along the northern wall in the southern corridor Stardust, Star Piece, Nugget Fighting-types only
Cerulean Cave 1F On a glowing spot near the western ladder to 2F Pearl, Big Pearl
Cerulean Cave 2F On a glowing spot west of the large crystal at the center Pearl, Big Pearl
Cerulean Cave 2F On a glowing spot in the northeast Stardust, Star Piece
Cerulean Cave B1F At the edge of the pool of water Pearl, Big Pearl, Heart Scale Water-types only
Cerulean Cave B1F On a glowing spot northeast of the central plateau Stardust, Star Piece
The following Pokémon are capable of finding Pretty Wings in the flower beds of some cities:
All Grass-type Pokémon, as well as Charmander, Squirtle, Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Pidgey, Rattata, Alolan Rattata, Spearow, Pikachu, Sandshrew, Alolan Sandshrew, Nidoran♀, Nidoran♂, Clefairy, Vulpix, Alolan Vulpix, Jigglypuff, Venonat, Diglett, Alolan Diglett, Meowth, Alolan Meowth, Psyduck, Mankey, Growlithe, Poliwag, Machop, Ponyta, Doduo, Seel, Shellder, Cubone, Horsea, Scyther, Pinsir, Magikarp, Ditto, Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Omanyte, Kabuto, Dratini, Mew, and Meltan.