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Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald Home

Ruby and Sapphire were released between 2002 and 2005 for the Game Boy Advance. They are compatible with each other, as well as FireRed and LeafGreen, also for the Game Boy Advance. Using a Game Boy Advance to GameCube Link Cable, Pokémon can be traded from these games to Colosseum and XD. Using the Game Boy Advance slot of an original model DS, Pokémon can be sent to Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver, although they cannot be returned from these games to any Game Boy Advance or GameCube game.

The first 386 Pokémon are all programmed into the game. Between Ruby and Sapphire, the player can access 200 Pokémon that are part of the Hoenn Dex. In Emerald, a handful of Kanto and Johto Pokémon can be obtained as well. Pokémon that are missing from these games can be traded in from FireRed, LeafGreen, Colosseum, or XD.


Off-site resources

(coming when the Hoenn Update is properly finished)

Credits & sources