How Many Pokémon Can You Get Without Evolving or Breeding in Pokémon Silver?
The player can get up to 199 species total in Silver without trading, as described here. Without evolving any Pokémon, and only collecting evolutionary stages that the player can get in the wild, as a gift or purchase, or from an in-game trade, the player can get up to 153 species. Of the 199 possible species in Silver, the Pokémon unavailable without evolving are as follows:
- Starter Evolutions (2) - 2 total
- The Starters are only available in their base forms, leaving their evolutions inaccessible.
- Stone Evolutions (10) - 12 total
- Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Clefable, Wigglytuff, Bellossom, Sunflora and one each of a Pokémon that evolves with Leaf Stone, Water Stone, Fire Stone, and Thunderstone are inaccessible.
- Baby Pokémon (6) - 18 total
- Without the ability to breed, Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Smoochum, Elekid, and Magby are inaccessible.
- Other (27) - 45 total
- Pidgeot, Sandslash, Parasect, Magneton, Dewgong, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Weezing, Dragonite, Crobat, Togetic, Xatu, Ampharos, Azumarill, Jumpluff, Espeon, Umbreon, Forretress, Granbull, Magcargo, Piloswine, Octillery, Houndoom, Hitmontop, Blissey, Pupitar, and Tyranitar are inaccessible.
Professor Oak(-ish) Challenge Notes
This just contains a list of areas you can find each Pokémon, ordered as though you are playing a Professor Oak challenge and therefore need to obtain every Pokémon as early as possible.
Pre-Badge 1 (Falkner) - 17 Total Pokémon
- Gift in New Bark Town: One starter (1 total)
- Walking on Route 29: Pidgey (2 total)
- Walking on Route 29: Sentret (3 total)
- Walking on Route 29: Hoothoot (4 total)
- Walking on Route 29: Rattata (5 total)
- Walking on Route 46: Geodude (6 total)
- Walking on Route 46: Jigglypuff (7 total)
- Walking on Route 46: Spearow (8 total)
- Walking on Route 30: Weedle, Kakuna (10 total)
- Walking on Route 30: Ledyba (11 total)
- Walking on Route 31: Bellsprout (12 total)
- Walking in Dark Cave (Route 31/46 side): Zubat (13 total)
- Walking in Dark Cave (Route 31/46 side): Dunsparce (14 total)
- In-game Trade in Violet City: Onix: Trade your Bellsprout (15 total)
- Walking in Sprout Tower: Gastly (16 total)
- Walking in the Ruins of Alph Inside: Unown (17 total)
Badge 1 through Badge 2 (Bugsy) - 36 Total Pokémon
To use Headbutt here before being able to use Cut, you will need to use Slowpoke, who learns Headbutt at level 34.
Badge 2 through Badge 3 (Whitney) - 54 Total Pokémon
Badge 3 through Badge 4 (Morty) - 80 Total Pokémon
Badge 4 through Badge 5 (Pryce) - 94 Total Pokémon
Badge 5 through Badge 7 (Chuck) - 97 Total Pokémon
Badge 7 through Badge 8 (Clair) - 107 Total Pokémon
- Static encounter on Whirl Islands B3F: Lugia (98 total)
- Walking on Route 44: Lickitung (99 total)
- Walking on Route 44: Tangela (100 total)
- Walking on Route 44: Weepinbell (101 total)
- Fishing on Route 44: Remoraid (102 total)
- Walking in the Ice Path: Jynx (103 total)
- Walking in the Ice Path: Delibird (104 total)
- Walking in the Ice Path: Swinub (105 total)
- Walking on Route 45: Phanpy (106 total)
- Walking on Route 45: Skarmory (107 total)
Badge 8 through Elite Four - 115 Total Pokémon
Elite Four through Badge 16 - 151 Total Pokémon
- Walking on Route 5: Gloom (116 total)
- Walking on Route 24: Venomoth (117 total)
- Walking on Route 9: Fearow (118 total)
- Walking on Route 10: Electabuzz (119 total)
- Walking in Rock Tunnel 1F: Cubone (120 total)
- Walking in Rock Tunnel B1F: Marowak (121 total)
- Walking in Rock Tunnel B1F: Kangaskhan (122 total)
- Walking on Route 8: Haunter (123 total)
- Walking on Route 8: Kadabra (124 total)
- Walking on Route 7: Persian (125 total)
- Walking on Route 7: Houndour (126 total)
- Walking on Route 7: Murkrow (127 total)
- Walking on Route 16: Grimer, Muk (129 total)
- Walking on Route 16: Slugma (130 total)
- Purchase in Celadon Game Corner: Porygon (131 total)
- Walking on Route 14: Nidorino (132 total)
- Walking on Route 14: Nidorina (133 total)
- Walking on Route 14: Skiploom (134 total)
- Walking on Route 14: Chansey (135 total)
- In-game Trade on Route 14: Aerodactyl: Trade your Chansey (136 total)
- Static encounter in Vermilion City: Snorlax (137 total)
- Walking on Route 11: Hypno (138 total)
- Walking in Diglett's Cave: Diglett, Dugtrio (140 total)
- Walking on Route 1: Furret (141 total)
- Walking on Route 2: Ledian (142 total)
- Walking on Route 2: Pikachu (143 total)
- In-game Trade in Pewter City: Rapidash: Trade your Gloom (144 total)
- Walking in Mt. Moon: Clefairy (145 total)
- Walking on Route 21: Mr. Mime (146 total)
- Static encounter on Bell Tower 10F: Ho-Oh (147 total)
- Fishing (Super Rod) in New Bark Town: Lanturn (148 total)
- Fishing (Super Rod) in Olivine City: Kingler (149 total)
- Fishing (Super Rod) in the Dragon's Den: Dragonair (150 total)
- In-game Trade in Blackthorn City: Rhydon: Trade your female Dragonair (151 total)
Badge 16 through defeating Red - 154 Total Pokémon
- Walking on Route 28: Sneasel (152 total)
- Walking in Mt. Silver 2F and item rooms: Misdreavus (153 total)
- Walking in Mt. Silver 1F, 2F, Summit, and item rooms: Larvitar (154 total)