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Battle Arcade

The Battle Arcade is one of five facilities located in the Battle Frontier, accessible in Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver. The Frontier Brain here is Dahlia.


As with all Facilities, the Battle Tower has options for Single Battles, Double Battles, and Multi Battles. Multi Battles are conducted with a second player with their own copy of Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver.

The player can enter three Pokémon in Singles, three in Doubles, and two in Multi (with the other player providing another two).



Before every battle conducted in the Battle Arcade, the player will first spin a roulette to determine what effect will apply to the following battle or the roulette itself. Effects can either help or hurt the player. A list of effects and the icons associated with them can be found in the Advanced Mechanics section below.

Items that are obtained via the roulette will be kept until either a) the player completes the current round of seven battles; b) the item is used, stolen by the opponent, or swapped with the opponent; or c) the player lands on the roulette option to give their Pokémon items, at which point the old item is replaced with the new one. For information about the possible items, and for further documentation about the mechanics governing the Arcade's roulette, please check out the Advanced Mechanics section.


Mechanics that apply to every Facility are on the Battle Frontier page. Here are mechanics specific to the Battle Arcade:


Frontier Brain

The Frontier Brain, Dahlia, is battled first after 20 battles and again after 48. will always use the same three Pokémon in each of her battles, but they can be in any order. Her Pokémon have 31 IVs in both battles. The gender and Ability of her Pokémon are random. Her teams are as follows:

Silver Print

Dahlia Battle (1st)
Pokémon Nature Moves HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Dusknoir Brave Shadow Punch Fling Will-O-Wisp Trick Room 120 167 187 85 155 58
Medicham Jolly Zen Headbutt Reversal Endure Fake Out 135 112 95 72 95 145
Ludicolo Adamant Waterfall Razor Leaf Drain Punch Swords Dance 155 134 90 99 152 90

Gold Print

Dahlia Battle (2nd)
Pokémon Nature Moves HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Zapdos Modest Thunderbolt Air Cutter Heat Wave Signal Beam 165 99 105 194 110 152
Blaziken Adamant Flare Blitz Superpower Thunderpunch Night Slash 155 189 90 117 90 132
Togekiss Modest Hyper Beam Air Slash Aura Sphere Psychic 160 63 115 189 135 132

Trainers and Pokémon

The list of Trainers that can be encountered is located here. The list of Pokémon that can be encountered is located here.

Battle Points

The following table contains the amount of Battle Points the player will receive for finishing each round of seven battles. Defeating the Frontier Brain will always give the player 20 Points for that round.

Battle Points
Battle(s) Singles,
1-7 2 7
8-14 2 8
15-21 2 9
22-28 2 10
29-35 4 13
36-42 4 14
43-49 5 16
50+ 6 17

Advanced Mechanics

The method by which the game chooses the panels to display on the Roulette, as it turns out, depends on a few factors, including the current round (set of seven battles), the current battle, and the player's performance in the previous battle. This information comes from documentation here, completed by Kurausukun and Magpie. This section is an attempt to condense some of this information.

Events and Impacts

Each panel that can be seen on the roulette has two properties: an event and an impact. An event is what will happen as a result of selecting that panel, and the impact is who it will affect. There are four different impacts:

The list of potential events is as follows:

Icon(s) Name Impact Effect
Lower Player HP Lower Opponent HP
Lower HP Player or Opponent Lowers the HP of the target's Pokémon by 20%
Poison Player Poison Opponent
Poison Player or Opponent Poisons all of the target's Pokémon, except for Poison types, Steel types, or Pokémon with Immunity
Paralyze Player Paralyze Opponent
Paralyze Player or Opponent Paralyzes all of the target's Pokémon, except for Ground types or Pokémon with Limber
Burn Player Burn Opponent
Burn Player or Opponent Burns all of the target's Pokémon, except for Fire types or Pokémon with Water Veil
Sleep Player Sleep Opponent
Sleep Player or Opponent Puts one of the target's Pokémon to sleep, except for Pokémon with Insomnia or Vital Spirit
Freeze Player Freeze Opponent
Freeze Player or Opponent Freezes one of the target's Pokémon, except for Ice types or Pokémon with Magma Armor
Give Player Berries Give Opponent Berries
Berries Player or Opponent Gives all of the target's Pokémon a held Berry
Give Player Items Give Opponent Items
Items Player or Opponent Gives all of the target's Pokémon a held item
Give Player +3 Levels Give Opponent +3 Levels
Level up Player or Opponent Boosts the level of all of the target's Pokémon by 3
Set Sun Weather
Sun Both Sets the Sun weather, which will last until the battle ends or it is overwritten
Set Rain Weather
Rain Both Sets the Rain weather, which will last until the battle ends or it is overwritten
Set Sandstorm Weather
Sandstorm Both Sets the Sandstorm weather, which will last until the battle ends or it is overwritten
Set Hail Weather
Hail Both Sets the Hail weather, which will last until the battle ends or it is overwritten
Set Fog Weather
Fog Both Sets the Fog weather, which will last until the battle ends or it is overwritten
Set Trick Room
Trick Room Both Sets the Trick Room condition, which will last five turns
Swap Trainers' Teams
Swap Special Swaps the player's party with the opponent's
Speed Up
Speed Up Special Speeds up the roulette by one level until the end of the round
Speed Down
Speed Down Special Slows down the roulette by one level until the end of the round
Random Special Causes the roulette to move between panels randomly when the roulette is next used
Give BP (Small)
BP Special The player gains 1BP
Give BP (Large)
BP+ Special The player gains 3BP
Skip Battle
Skip Special The following battle will be skipped
No Event
No Effect Special No effect occurs for this battle

Roulette Speed and Auto-Stop

Information for this section comes from a write-up by Magpie located here.

Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver run at 30 FPS. The number of frames for which the cursor will remain on a roulette tile is dependent on two factors: what round the player is in, and whether or not they have clicked any speed up or slow down tiles, as shown in the below table.

Battles Slow Down (3x) Slow Down (2x) Slow Down (1x) Default Speed Up (1x) Speed Up (2x) Speed Up (3x)
1-28 20 16 8 4 3 2 1
29-49 16 8 4 3 2 1 1
50+ 8 4 3 2 1 1 1

The roulette is set to automatically stop itself after 30 seconds (900 frames) have passed without any input from the player. Using this number and the number of frames per tile shown in the above table, it is possible to predict where the automatic stop will occur relative to the starting tile. An example is given below. Note that this of course is not relevant if the player has selected the Random tile.

The below list only applies to battles 43+ and only contains information about one slowdown level. Information from Magpie's post.

The starting tile is always random.

Berries and Items

When the player selects a roulette option that gives the player or opponent held Berries or held items, the selected item will come from one of three groups. Which group is used depends on which battle the player is on, as shown below.

Group Battles
1 1-21
2 22-49
3 50+

The items in each group are shown below.

Group 1 (Berries)
Cheri Berry Chesto Berry Pecha Berry Rawst Berry
Aspear Berry Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Lum Berry
Group 2 (Berries)
Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Lum Berry Occa Berry
Passho Berry Wacan Berry Rindo Berry Yache Berry
Chople Berry Kebia Berry Shuca Berry Coba Berry
Payapa Berry Tanga Berry Charti Berry Kasib Berry
Haban Berry Colbur Berry Babiri Berry Chilan Berry
Group 3 (Berries)
Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Lum Berry Liechi Berry
Ganlon Berry Salac Berry Petaya Berry Apicot Berry
Lansat Berry Starf Berry
Group 1 (Items)
King's Rock Quick Claw BrightPowder Metronome
Big Root Focus Band Focus Sash Leftovers
Iron Ball Lagging Tail Black Sludge
Group 2 (Items)
Iron Ball Lagging Tail Black Sludge White Herb
Power Herb Muscle Band Wise Glasses Shell Bell
Scope Lens Wide Lens Zoom Lens Expert Belt
Life Orb
Group 3 (Items)
Focus Band Focus Sash Leftovers Scope Lens
Wide Lens Zoom Lens Expert Belt Life Orb
Choice Band Choice Scarf Choice Specs

Performance Points

The panels that can appear on the roulette are partially determined by the player's performance on previous battles. At the beginning of each round of seven battles, the player's performance points are set to 0. At the end of each battle in the round, points will be added depending on the number of turns the player takes, the number of fainted Pokémon, and the number of Pokémon with a status condition in the player's party.

The first criterion is the number of turns that the previous battle took to finish.

Number of Turns
Turns Points
0-2 10
3-4 6
5-6 4
7-8 2
9+ 0

The second criterion is the number of Pokémon in the player's, or their Multi Battle partner's, party that have fainted.

Fainted Pokémon
Number of
fainted Pokémon
0 8
1 6
2 4
3-4 0

The third criterion is the number of Pokémon in the player's, or their Multi Battle partner's, party that are suffering a status condition. Status conditions that matter here are Sleep, Paralysis, Burn, Freeze, and Poison.

Pokémon with Status
Number of
Pokémon with status
0 6
1 4
2 2
3-4 0

When the battle ends, the player's performance points are used to determine the chances that each type of impact (player, opponent, both, or special) will be generated for the next roulette.

Generating Panels

When panels are generated, the impact is first chosen according to the player's performance points, and the event is chosen afterward once an impact is selected. The number of performance points needed for each chance distribution is shown below.

Points Player Opponent Both Special
0-4 75% 10% 10% 5%
5-10 40% 25% 30% 5%
11-15 30% 30% 35% 5%
16-20 20% 35% 30% 15%
21+ 15% 15% 40% 30%

Once the impact is determined, an event is chosen for the panel. The round of seven battles the player is on determines what events the game can select from.

Battles 1-7
Poison Paralyze Burn Give Berries
Swap Speed Up Speed Down No Event
Battles 8-14
Lower HP Give Berries Level Up Sun
Rain Sandstorm Hail Swap
Speed Up Speed Down No Event
Battles 15-21
Lower HP Poison Paralyze Burn
Give Berries Level Up Sun Rain
Sandstorm Hail Swap Speed Up
Speed Down No Event
Battles 22-28
Lower HP Give Items Level Up Fog
Trick Room Swap Speed Down BP
No Event
Battles 29-35
Lower HP Sleep Freeze Give Items
Level Up Swap Speed Down Random
BP Skip No Event
Battles 36-42
Lower HP Sleep Freeze Give Items
Level Up Fog Trick Room Swap
Speed Down Random BP No Battle
No Event

From battle 43 onward, all panels can be chosen.

The battle number within the round that the player is on also determines whether some of the Special panels can show up. Naturally, a panel can only be selected if the panel is included within the set corresponding to the player's current round of seven battles. In the tables below, 1 represents the first battle in the round, and 7 the last battle.

Battle 1, 3, or 5 Panels
Swap Speed Up Speed Down Random
BP No Event
Battle 2, 4, or 6 Panels
Swap Speed Up Speed Down Random
No Battle BP+ No Event

In Battle 7, the only Special event that can be used is No Event.