HeartGold and SoulSilver Home
HeartGold and SoulSilver were released for the Nintendo DS in 2009 (Japan) and 2010 (international regions). They are remakes of Gold, Silver, and Crystal. They are compatible with each other, as well as Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, also for the Nintendo DS. They are capable of communicating with the Nintendo Wii, allowing the player to use Pokémon from these games in Pokémon Battle Revolution. Using the Game Boy Advance slot of an original model DS, Pokémon from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen can be sent to these games, although they cannot be returned to any Game Boy Advance or GameCube game. Pokémon from HeartGold and SoulSilver can be sent to Black, White, Black 2, and White 2, although they cannot be returned from these games. The Pokéwalker accessory was released alongside HeartGold and SoulSilver and allows players to catch rare Pokémon and find rare items, which can be sent to HeartGold and SoulSilver.
The first 493 Pokémon are all programmed into the game. Between the two games, the player can access the first 250 Pokémon (excluding Mew), as well as most Hoenn and Sinnoh Pokémon. Pokémon that are missing from this game can be traded in from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, or transferred from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, or LeafGreen.
- Johto Locations: A list of all areas in the Johto region, with their encounter tables, items, and Trainers.
- Kanto Locations: A list of all areas in the Kanto region, with their encounter tables, items, and Trainers.
- Pokéwalker: An explanation of appearance rate mechanics in the Pokéwalker, and a listing of all courses' Pokémon and items.
- Pokédex Pages: A collection of pages dedicated to Pokédex completion.
- All Pokémon and their locations: A table containing all available Pokémon and their locations, including Pokéwalker locations.
- Battle Frontier: A page detailing the mechanics of the Battle Frontier, with further pages about each individual facility, and data about enemy Pokémon and Trainers.
- Minimum levels (version 1): A page with lists of the lowest levels you can find Pokémon in HeartGold and SoulSilver alone (including the Pokéwalker).
- Minimum levels (version 2): A page with lists of the lowest levels at which you can have any Pokémon in HeartGold and SoulSilver, taking into account Pokémon that can be obtained at lower levels by trading with Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, but excluding levels only obtainable via Pal Park transfer from a GBA game.
- Minimum levels (version 3): A page with lists of the lowest levels at which you can have any Pokémon in HeartGold and SoulSilver, taking into account Pokémon that can be obtained at lower levels by transferring from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, or LeafGreen or trading with Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
Off-site resources
Please contact me if a source has a broken link, if a better version of the source exists, or if you know of a source you want to add.
- IV Calculator, on PycoSites.
- Stat Calculator, on PycoSites.
- RNG Manipulation Guide, on Smogon.
- Sweet Scent Guide, on Smogon.
- Voltorb Flip Guide, on The Cave of Dragonflies.
- Capture Mechanics, on The Cave of Dragonflies.
- Catch Rate Calculator, on The Cave of Dragonflies.
- Locations, for an alternate view, on The Cave of Dragonflies.
- Places to Train, for good level training locations, on The Cave of Dragonflies.
- Legendary Capture Guide, on Smogon.
- Move Tutor List, on Smogon.
- Breeding Guide, on Smogon.
- In-Game Tier List, a fan-driven effort to rank how good Pokémon are when used in-game, on Smogon.
- EV Training Guide, on Smogon.
- Gen 4 base stats, on Bulbapedia.
- Pokémon movepools, on Bulbapedia.
- Password generator, for getting special Pokémon Eggs and Box wallpapers in Violet City, on PokéMow.
Credits & sources
- ShinxHijinx, for making scaled-down versions of the Home models, the table colors used, and general layout ideas.
- A ton of dedicated Battle Frontier players (all credited on the Battle Frontier page), for various Battle Frontier related things.
- Dragonfree, for helping me work through the optimal way to display encounter tables for HeartGold/SoulSilver and Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, and helping me with my JavaScript.
- veekun dumps, for encounter tables for HeartGold and SoulSilver.
- Bulbapedia, for item and Trainer information for HeartGold and SoulSilver. I am working on independently verifying all of the information myself as well.