How Many Pokémon Can You Get with Only Pokémon HeartGold?
Assuming you do not use any glitches and do not have access to the Pokéwalker, the answer is 373. The Professor Oak challenge guide for Gold can be found here, although I've made a shorter list of encounters below in case anything happens to the external guide.
With Pokéwalker access, you can get an additional 21 Pokémon, bringing the total to 394. The guide for using Pokéwalker is located here.
The list of Pokémon you cannot get without trading or using the Pokéwalker, which equals 120 species, is as follows:
- Two Johto Starters (6) - 6 total
- As you can only select one Johto starter Pokémon, the other two starters, and their evolutions, are unavailable; this totals 6 Pokémon.
- Two Kanto Starters (6) - 12 total
- As you can only select one Kanto starter Pokémon, the other two starters, and their evolutions, are unavailable.
- Two Hoenn Starters (6) - 18 total
- As you can only select one Hoenn starter Pokémon, the other two starters, and their evolutions, are unavailable.
- Trade Evolutions (16) - 34 total
- Alakazam, Machamp, Golem, Gengar, Politoed, Slowking, Steelix, Scizor, Kingdra, Porygon2, Dusknoir, Huntail, Gorebyss, Rhyperior, Electivire, Magmortar, and Porygon-Z evolve by trade. Without the ability to trade, they are unobtainable.
- Location-based Evolutions (4) - 38 total
- Magnezone, Probopass, Leafeon, and Glaceon all evolve by level-up in a specific location (a magnetized area, a Mossy Rock, or an Icy Rock). These locations are not in HeartGold and SoulSilver, rendering these Pokémon unobtainable.
- Version Exclusives (19) - 57 total
- The following Pokémon cannot be obtained without the use of glitches or trading: Vulpix, Ninetales, Meowth, Persian, Kabuto, Kabutops, Ledyba, Ledian, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Delibird, Skarmory, Mawile, Gulpin, Swalot, Lileep, Cradily, Latios, and Groudon.
- Pokéwalker Pokémon (21) - 78 total
- Skitty, Delcatty, Carvanha, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Wailord, Feebas, Milotic, Castform, Kecleon, Tropius, Snorunt, Glalie, Froslass, Shellos, Gastrodon, Spiritomb, Finneon, Lumineon, Snover, and Abomasnow must be obtained from the Pokéwalker, or by trading from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum or transferring from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
- Sinnoh Pokémon (20) - 98 total
- Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Cranidos, Rampardos, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Drifloon, Drifblim, Glameow, Purugly, Stunky, Skuntank, and Rotom must be traded from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
- Legendary Pokémon (13) - 111 total
- Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Rayquaza, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Regigigas, Giratina, and Cresselia must be obtained by trading from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, or transferring from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
- Mythical/Event (9) - 120 total
- Outside of glitches, Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, and Arceus were only obtainable via events that are no longer active, or by transferring from another game.
Professor Oak Challenge Notes
Pre-Badge 1 (Falkner) - 39 Total Pokémon (100 with Pokéwalker)
By speaking to Primo in Violet City, the player can obtain a Slugma egg in exchange for a password. If you choose to get this egg, you can get Slugma and Magcargo for a total of 41 Pokémon.
- Gift in New Bark Town: One starter & its evolutions (3 total)
- Walking on Route 29: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot (6 total)
- Walking on Route 29: Sentret, Furret (8 total)
- Walking on Route 29: Hoothoot, Noctowl (10 total)
- Walking on Route 29: Rattata, Raticate (12 total)
- Walking on Route 46: Geodude, Graveler (14 total)
- Walking on Route 46: Spearow, Fearow (16 total)
- Walking on Route 30: Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree (19 total)
- Walking on Route 30: Spinarak, Ariados (21 total)
- Walking on Route 31: Bellsprout, Weepinbell (23 total)
- Walking in Dark Cave (Route 31/46 side): Zubat, Golbat, Crobat (26 total)
- Walking in Dark Cave (Route 31/46 side): Dunsparce (27 total)
- In-game Trade in Violet City: Onix: Trade your Bellsprout (28 total)
- Walking in Sprout Tower: Gastly, Haunter (30 total)
- Walking in Ruins of Alph Inside: Unown (31 total)
- Walking on Route 32: Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff (34 total)
- Walking on Route 32: Wooper, Quagsire (36 total) (alternatively, get a Wooper egg from Primo)
- Walking on Route 32: Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos (39 total) (alternatively, get a Mareep egg from Primo)
With access to the Pokéwalker, the player can obtain the following Pokémon. Since Slowpoke can be obtained here, so can Headbutt encounters; you will have to train Slowpoke to level 25. The total with Pokéwalker access is 102.
- Refreshing Field: Nidoran♀, Nidorina, Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Doduo, Dodrio, Kangaskhan (46 total)
- Noisy Forest: Oddish, Gloom, Paras, Parasect, Venonat, Venomoth, Wobbuffet (53 total)
- Rugged Road: Machop, Machoke, Ponyta, Rapidash, Magby, Magmar (59 total)
- Beautiful Beach: Sunkern, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Psyduck, Golduck, Staryu (67 total)
- Suburban Area: Magnemite, Magneton, Murkrow, Elekid, Electabuzz (72 total)
- Dim Cave: Smoochum, Jynx (74 total)
- Blue Lake: Tentacool, Tentacruel, Goldeen, Seaking, Krabby, Kingler, Shellder, Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite (82 total)
- Town Outskirts: Grimer, Muk, Koffing, Weezing, Voltorb, Electrode, Abra, Kadabra (90 total)
- Headbutt (Groups A and B) in Violet City: Exeggcute (91 total)
- Headbutt (Group A) in Violet City: Pineco, Forretress (93 total)
- Headbutt (Groups A and B) on Route 46: Aipom, Ambipom (95 total)
- Headbutt (Group A) on Route 46: Heracross (96 total)
- Evolve Gloom and Sunkern with Sun Stones picked up by Aipom/Ambipom's Pickup ability (level 31+) (98 total)
- Evolve Nidorina and Nidorino with Moon Stones picked up by Aipom/Ambipom's Pickup ability (level 41+) (100 total)
Badge 1 through Badge 2 (Bugsy) - 66 Total Pokémon (108 with Pokéwalker)
To use Headbutt here before being able to use Cut, you will need to use Slowpoke, who learns Headbutt at level 25.
- Gift (Egg) in Violet City: Togepi, Togetic (41 total)
- Fishing (Old Rod) in New Bark Town: Magikarp, Gyarados (43 total)
- Fishing (Old Rod) in New Bark Town: Tentacool, Tentacruel (45 total)
- Fishing (Old Rod) in Cherrygrove City: Krabby, Kingler (47 total)
- Fishing (Old Rod) on Route 30: Poliwag, Poliwhirl (49 total)
- Fishing (Old Rod) in Dark Cave (Route 31/46 side): Goldeen, Seaking (51 total)
- Walking in Union Cave 1F: Sandshrew, Sandslash (53 total)
- Walking in Slowpoke Well 1F: Slowpoke, Slowbro (55 total)
- Walking in Ilex Forest: Oddish, Gloom (57 total)
- Walking in Ilex Forest: Paras, Parasect (59 total)
- Headbutt (Groups A and B) on Route 32: Exeggcute (60 total)
- Headbutt (Group A) on Route 32: Pineco, Forretress (62 total)
- Headbutt (Groups A and B) in Azalea Town: Aipom, Ambipom (64 total)
- Headbutt (Group A) in Azalea Town: Heracross (65 total)
- Evolve Gloom with a Sun Stone picked up by Aipom/Ambipom's Pickup ability (level 31+) (66 total)
Badge 2 through Badge 3 (Whitney) - 97 Total Pokémon (126 with Pokéwalker)
- Walking on Route 34: Drowzee, Hypno (68 total)
- Walking on Route 34: Abra, Kadabra (70 total)
- Walking on Route 34: Ditto (71 total)
- Purchase in Goldenrod Game Corner: Ekans, Arbok (73 total)
- Purchase in Goldenrod Game Corner: Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite (76 total)
- In-game Trade in Goldenrod Department Store 5F: Machop, Machoke: Trade your Drowzee (78 total)
- Walking on Route 35: Nidoran♀, Nidorina (80 total)
- Walking on Route 35: Nidoran♂, Nidorino (82 total)
- Walking on Route 35: Yanma, Yanmega (84 total)
- Walking in National Park: Sunkern (85 total)
- Walking in the Bug-Catching Contest: Scyther (86 total)
- Walking in the Bug-Catching Contest: Pinsir (87 total)
- Walking in the Bug-Catching Contest: Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill (90 total)
- Walking in the Bug-Catching Contest: Venonat, Venomoth (92 total)
- Evolve Sunkern with a Sun Stone from the Bug-Catching Contest (or Aipom/Ambipom's Pickup) (93 total)
- Walking on Route 36: Growlithe (94 total)
- Walking on Route 36: Stantler (95 total)
- Evolve Nidorina and Nidorino with Moon Stones picked up by Aipom/Ambipom's Pickup ability (level 41+) (97 total)
- Evolve Exeggcute, Gloom, and Weepinbell with Leaf Stones from Picnicker Gina on Route 34 (100 total)
- Evolve Growlithe with a Fire Stone from School Kid Alan on Route 36 (101 total)
Badge 3 through Badge 4 (Morty) - 137 Total Pokémon (152 with Pokéwalker)
- Evolve Poliwhirl with a Water Stone from the Pokéathlon (102 total)
- Static encounter on Route 36: Sudowoodo (103 total)
- Gift in Goldenrod City: Eevee, Espeon (105 total)
- Route 34: Breed Espeon to get Eevee, and evolve it into Umbreon (106 total)
- Evolve a bred Eevee with a Fire Stone from the Pokéathlon (107 total)
- Evolve a bred Eevee with a Water Stone from the Pokéathlon (108 total)
- Evolve a bred Eevee with a Thunderstone from the Pokéathlon (109 total)
- Walking in the Burned Tower 1F: Koffing, Weezing (111 total)
- Walking in the Burned Tower B1F: Magmar (112 total)
- Route 34: Breed Magmar to get Magby (113 total)
- Walking on Route 38: Magnemite, Magneton (115 total)
- Walking on Route 38: Farfetch'd (116 total)
- Walking on Route 38: Miltank (117 total)
- Walking on Route 38: Tauros (118 total)
- Walking on Route 38: Snubbull, Granbull (120 total)
- In-game Trade in Olivine City: Voltorb, Electrode: Trade your Krabby (122 total)
- Fishing (Good Rod) in Olivine City: Corsola (123 total)
- Fishing (Good Rod) in Olivine City: Staryu (124 total)
- Fishing (Good Rod) in Olivine Harbor: Shellder (125 total)
- Fishing (Good Rod) in Olivine Harbor: Chinchou, Lanturn (127 total)
- Fishing (Good Rod) on Route 32: Qwilfish (128 total)
- Evolve Staryu and Shellder with Water Stones from the Pokéathlon (130 total)
- Walking in Mt. Mortar 1F (front): Marill, Azumarill (132 total)
- Walking on Route 42: Mankey, Primeape (134 total)
- Walking on Route 43: Girafarig (135 total)
- Roaming Legends: Raikou, Entei (137 total)
Badge 4 through Badge 5 (Pryce) - 174 Total Pokémon (180 with Pokéwalker)
- Walking in Dark Cave (Route 46 side): Wobbuffet (138 total) (alternatively, catch it in the Safari Zone Peak)
- Walking in the Ruins of Alph Outside: Natu, Xatu (140 total)
- Walking in the Ruins of Alph Outside: Smeargle (141 total) (alternatively, catch it in the Safari Zone Plains)
- Static encounter in Union Cave B2F: Lapras (142 total) (alternatively, catch it in the Safari Zone Rocky Beach)
- Surfing in Ilex Forest: Psyduck, Golduck (144 total) (alternatively, catch it in the Safari Zone Wetland)
- Surfing on Route 41: Mantine (145 total)
- Rock Smash in Cianwood City: Shuckle (146 total)
- Walking in Cliff Cave: Steelix (147 total)
- Walking in Cliff Cave: Misdreavus (148 total) (alternatively, catch it in the Safari Zone Forest)
- Surfing on Route 47: Seel, Dewgong (150 total)
- Walking on Route 48: Diglett, Dugtrio (152 total)
- Walking in the Safari Zone Meadow: Jigglypuff (153 total)
- Walking in the Safari Zone Meadow: Clefairy (154 total)
- Walking in the Safari Zone Savannah: Rhyhorn, Rhydon (156 total)
- Walking in the Safari Zone Rocky Beach: Doduo, Dodrio (158 total)
- Walking in the Safari Zone Forest: Mr. Mime (159 total)
- Walking in the Safari Zone Swamp: Murkrow (160 total)
- Walking in the Safari Zone Marshland: Grimer, Muk (162 total)
- Walking in the Safari Zone Wasteland: Kangaskhan (163 total)
- Walking in the Safari Zone Mountain: Lickitung, Lickilicky (165 total)
- Walking in the Safari Zone Mountain: Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar (168 total)
- Walking in the Safari Zone Desert: Cubone, Marowak (170 total)
- Evolve Jigglypuff and Clefairy with Moon Stones from the Pokéathlon (172 total)
- Route 34: Breed Jigglypuff or Wigglytuff to get Igglybuff (173 total)
- Route 34: Breed Clefairy or Clefable to get Cleffa (174 total)
Badges 5 through Badge 7 (Chuck) - 176 Total Pokémon (182 with Pokéwalker)
Badge 7 through Badge 8 (Clair) - 188 Total Pokémon (192 with Pokéwalker)
- Walking on Route 44: Tangela, Tangrowth (178 total)
- Fishing on Route 44: Remoraid, Octillery (180 total)
- Walking in the Ice Path: Jynx (181 total)
- Walking in the Ice Path: Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine (184 total)
- Route 34: Breed Jynx to get Smoochum (185 total)
- Walking on Route 45: Phanpy, Donphan (187 total)
- Walking on Route 45: Gligar (188 total)
Badge 8 through Elite Four - 195 Total Pokémon (197 with Pokéwalker)
- Gift in Mt. Mortar B1F: Tyrogue & one evolution (190 total)
- Route 34: Breed Tyrogue's evolution to get two Tyrogue, and evolve them into the other two evolutions (192 total)
- Static encounter on Bell Tower 10F: Ho-Oh (193 total)
- Walking on Route 27: Ponyta, Rapidash (195 total)
Elite Four through Badge 9 (Misty) - 348 Total Pokémon (374 with Pokéwalker)
For the Safari Zone, the Professor Oak guide linked at the top of the page outlines a strategy of setting up areas and objects in the Safari Zone to get all the Pokémon there as quickly as possible. The suggestions given there are recreated below. Pokémon that can be obtained outside the Safari Zone have their alternate location mentioned.
First, set the six areas of the Safari Zone to Rocky Beach, Wetland, Meadow, Forest, Peak, and Savannah.
In Rocky Beach, you can get the following Pokémon immediately:
- Electrike, Manectric: Set 10 Plains objects (197 total)
- Budew, Roselia, Roserade: Set 18 Forest objects (200 total) (alternatively, catch Budew in Ilex Forest with Sinnoh Sound)
- Aron, Lairon, Aggron: Set 24 Rocks objects (203 total)
- Surskit, Masquerain: Set 6 Plains objects (205 total)
- Lombre, Ludicolo: Set 14 Plains objects & breed for Lotad (208 total)
- Pachirisu: Set 8 Forest objects (209 total)
- Nuzleaf, Shiftry: Set 28 Forest objects & breed for Seedot (212 total) (alternatively, catch Seedot with Headbutt in Viridian Forest)
- Zangoose: Set 12 Plains objects (213 total)
- Zigzagoon, Linoone: Set 10 Plains objects (215 total) (alternatively, catch Zigzagoon in Sprout Tower with Hoenn Sound)
- Luxio, Luxray: Set 24 Plains objects & breed for Shinx (218 total) (alternatively, catch Shinx on Route 29 with Sinnoh Sound)
- Azurill: Set 5 Water objects (219 total)
After 20 total days:
- Cacturne: Set 18 Forest objects & breed for Cacnea (221 total)
- Shuppet, Banette: Set 18 Forest objects (223 total)
After 30 total days:
- Torkoal: Set 18 Rocks objects (224 total)
- After catching Torkoal, swap the Savannah area for the Wasteland area.
- Illumise: Set 10 Plains objects & breed Illumise for Volbeat (226 total) (alternatively, catch Illumise or Volbeat in the Bug-Catching Contest)
- Skorupi, Drapion: Set 28 Rocks objects (228 total)
- Nosepass: Set 18 Rocks objects (229 total)
After 40 total days:
- Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein: Set 18 Water objects (232 total)
- After catching Spheal, swap the Peak area for the Desert area.
- Hippopotas, Hippowdon: Set 28 Rocks objects (234 total)
After 60 total days:
- Vibrava, Flygon: Set 25 Forest objects & breed for Trapinch (237 total)
- After catching Vibrava, swap the Desert area for the Marshland area.
- Solrock: Set 21 Rocks objects (238 total)
- After catching Solrock, swap the Wasteland area for the Swamp area.
- Duskull, Dusclops: Set 28 Rocks objects (240 total)
- After catching Duskull, swap the Swamp area for the Mountain area.
- Lunatone: Set 15 Rocks objects (241 total)
After 70 total days:
- Seviper: Set 18 Plains objects (242 total)
- Shelgon, Salamence: Set 21 Rocks objects & breed for Bagon (245 total)
- Riolu, Lucario: Set 10 Forest and 14 Rocks objects (247 total)
- Beldum, Metang, Metagross: Set 21 Rocks objects (250 total)
After 80 total days:
- Croagunk, Toxicroak: Set 21 Forest objects (252 total)
After 100 total days:
Rocky Beach:
- Gible, Gabite, Garchomp: Set 13 Plains and 17 Rocks objects (255 total)
Evolution stones can all be purchased at the Pokéathlon. You can also evolve Togetic, Misdreavus, and Murkrow, for a total of 258 before starting the rest of the section.
The rest of the Pokémon in this section can be obtained normally in other locations.
- Walking on Route 29 (Hoenn Sound): Plusle (259 total)
- Walking on Route 29 (Hoenn Sound): Minun (260 total)
- Walking on Route 30 (Hoenn Sound): Whismur, Loudred, Exploud (263 total)
- Walking on Route 30 (Sinnoh Sound): Buizel, Floatzel (265 total)
- Walking on Route 30 (Sinnoh Sound): Bidoof, Bibarel (267 total)
- Walking in Dark Cave (Hoenn Sound): Absol (268 total)
- Walking in Dark Cave (Hoenn Sound): Makuhita, Hariyama (270 total)
- Walking in Dark Cave (Sinnoh Sound): Bronzor, Bronzong (272 total)
- Walking in Dark Cave (Sinnoh Sound): Chingling, Chimecho (274 total)
- Walking in Sprout Tower (Hoenn Sound): Spinda (275 total)
- Walking in Sprout Tower (Sinnoh Sound): Chatot (276 total)
- Walking in Sprout Tower (Sinnoh Sound): Meditite, Medicham (278 total)
- Walking in Ilex Forest (Hoenn Sound): Spoink, Grumpig (280 total)
- Walking in Ilex Forest (Hoenn Sound): Numel, Camerupt (282 total)
- Walking in Ilex Forest (Sinnoh Sound): Carnivine (283 total)
- Walking in the Bug-Catching Contest (Thursdays or Saturdays): Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja (286 total)
- Walking in the Bug-Catching Contest (Thursdays or Saturdays): Kricketot, Kricketune (288 total)
- Fishing (any Rod) in Violet City (Swarm): Whiscash & breed for Barboach (290 total)
- Walking on Route 34 (Swarm): Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade (294 total)
- Walking on Route 45 (Swarm): Swablu, Altaria (296 total)
- Surfing on Route 27 (Swarm): Luvdisc (297 total)
- Surfing in Vermilion City (Swarm): Wingull, Pelipper (299 total)
- Headbutt (Groups A and B) in Vermilion City: Combee, Vespiquen (301 total)
- Walking on Route 25 (Swarm): Buneary, Lopunny (303 total)
- Headbutt (Special) on Route 25: Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking (306 total)
- Walking on Route 9 (Swarm): Sableye (307 total)
- Walking on Route 10: Electabuzz (308 total)
- Walking on Route 7: Houndour, Houndoom (310 total)
- Walking on Route 16: Slugma, Magcargo (312 total) (if you didn't get the Slugma egg earlier)
- Purchase in Celadon Game Corner: Porygon (313 total)
- Headbutt (Groups A and B) on Route 12: Wurmple, Silcoon, Beautifly, Cascoon, Dustox (318 total)
- Fishing (any Rod) on Route 12 (Swarm): Relicanth (319 total)
- Walking on Route 14: Chansey, Blissey (321 total)
- Static encounter in Vermilion City: Snorlax (322 total)
- Walking on Route 1 (Swarm): Poochyena, Mightyena (324 total)
- Walking in Viridian Forest: Pikachu, Raichu (326 total)
- Headbutt (Groups A and B) in Viridian Forest: Shroomish, Breloom (328 total)
- Headbutt (Special) in Pewter City: Starly, Staravia, Staraptor (331 total)
- Revive Old Amber in Pewter Museum: Aerodactyl (332 total)
- Revive a Helix Fossil in Pewter Museum: Omanyte, Omastar (334 total)
- Revive a Claw Fossil in Pewter Museum: Anorith, Armaldo (336 total)
- Walking on Route 3 (Swarm): Baltoy, Claydol (338 total)
- Static encounter in Seafoam Islands B4F: Articuno (339 total)
- Surfing on Route 19 (Swarm): Clamperl (340 total)
- Route 34: Breed Electabuzz to get Elekid (341 total)
- Route 34: Breed Pikachu or Raichu to get Pichu (342 total)
- Route 34: Breed Chansey or Blissey with a Luck Incense from Vermilion City to get Happiny (343 total)
- Fishing (Super Rod) in the Safari Zone Rocky Beach with 15 Water objects: Corphish, Crawdaunt (345 total)
- Static encounter in the Whirl Islands B3F: Lugia (346 total)
- Evolve Gligar with a Razor Fang purchased in the Battle Frontier (347 total)
- Roaming Legend: Latias (348 total)
With access to the Pokéwalker, the player can obtain the following Pokémon, bringing the total to 374.
- Hoenn Field: Skitty, Delcatty (350 total)
- Warm Beach: Carvanha, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Wailord (354 total)
- Treehouse: Kecleon, Castform (356 total)
- Sinnoh Field: Mime Jr. (357 total)
- Icy Mountain Rd.: Snover, Abomasnow, Snorunt, Glalie, Froslass, Sneasel, Weavile (364 total)
- Big Forest: Tropius, Bonsly (366 total)
- Stormy Beach: Finneon, Lumineon, Shellos, Gastrodon (West Sea only) (370 total)
- Quiet Cave: Feebas, Milotic, Spiritomb, Munchlax (374 total)
Badge 9 through Badge 16 - 349 Total Pokémon (375 with Pokéwalker)
- Static encounter on Route 25: Suicune (349 total)
Badge 16 through defeating Red - 366 Total Pokémon (387 with Pokéwalker)
- Headbutt (Special) in Cherrygrove City: Taillow, Swellow (351 total)
- Headbutt (Special) on Route 38: Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim (354 total)
- Route 34: Breed Wobbuffet with a Lax Incense from Route 38 to get Wynaut (355 total)
- Headbutt (Special) in National Park: Cherubi, Cherrim (357 total)
- Route 34: Breed Snorlax with a Full Incense from Mt. Mortar to get Munchlax (358 total)
- Route 34: Breed Mantine with a Wave Incense from Route 47 to get Mantyke (359 total)
- Route 34: Breed Sudowoodo with a Rock Incense from Diglett's Cave to get Bonsly (360 total)
- Static encounter on Route 10: Zapdos (361 total)
- Static encounter on Cerulean Cave B1F: Mewtwo (362 total)
- Route 34: Breed Mr. Mime with an Odd Incense from Cerulean Cave to get Mime Jr. (363 total)
- Walking on Route 28: Sneasel (364 total)
- Evolve Sneasel with a Razor Claw purchased in the Battle Frontier (365 total)
- Static encounter in Mt. Silver (Moltres' room): Moltres (366 total)
After defeating Red - 373 Total Pokémon (394 with Pokéwalker)
- Gift in Pallet Town: One Kanto starter & its evolutions (369 total)
- Gift in Silph Co.: One Hoenn starter & its evolutions (372 total)
- Static encounter in the Embedded Tower: Kyogre (373 total)