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HeartGold and SoulSilver Pokémon Locations

The following table contains every Pokémon that can be obtained in HeartGold, SoulSilver, and the Pokéwalker and all of its locations. Use the radio buttons below to determine which Pokémon should be shown.

HeartGold and SoulSilver Pokémon Locations
Pokémon Games Locations Notes
Bulbasaur HG SS Gift: Pallet Town It is mutually exclusive with Charmander and Squirtle.
Ivysaur HG SS Evolve Bulbasaur
Venusaur HG SS Evolve Ivysaur
Charmander HG SS Gift: Pallet Town It is mutually exclusive with Bulbasaur and Squirtle.
Charmeleon HG SS Evolve Charmander
Charizard HG SS Evolve Charmeleon
Squirtle HG SS Gift: Pallet Town It is mutually exclusive with Bulbasaur and Charmander.
Wartortle HG SS Evolve Squirtle
Blastoise HG SS Evolve Wartortle
Caterpie HG SS Walking: Routes 30, 31, and 2, Ilex Forest, National Park, Bug-Catching Contest, Viridian Forest
Headbutt (Group A): Ilex Forest
HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
Metapod HG SS Evolve Caterpie
HG SS Walking: Routes 30, 31, and 2, Ilex Forest, National Park, Bug-Catching Contest, Viridian Forest
Headbutt (Group A): Ilex Forest
Headbutt (Special): Route 47
HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
Butterfree HG SS Evolve Metapod
HG SS Walking: Route 2, Bug-Catching Contest, Viridian Forest
Headbutt (Group B): Ilex Forest
Headbutt (Special): Route 47
HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
Weedle HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
HG SS Walking: Routes 30, 31, and 2, Ilex Forest, National Park, Bug-Catching Contest, Viridian Forest
Headbutt (Group A): Ilex Forest
Kakuna HG SS Evolve Weedle
HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
HG SS Walking: Routes 30, 31, and 2, Ilex Forest, National Park, Bug-Catching Contest, Viridian Forest
Headbutt (Group A): Ilex Forest
Headbutt (Special): Route 47
Beedrill HG SS Evolve Kakuna
HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
HG SS Walking: Route 2, Bug-Catching Contest, Viridian Forest
Headbutt (Group B): Ilex Forest
Headbutt (Special): Route 47
Pidgey HG SS Walking: Routes 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, 1, 2, 5, 6, and 25, National Park, Safari Zone Forest, Viridian Forest
Pokéwalker: Refreshing Field
Pidgeotto HG SS Evolve Pidgey
HG SS Walking: Routes 37, 43, 2, 8, 13, 14, 15, and 25, Viridian Forest
Pidgeot HG SS Evolve Pidgeotto
Rattata HG SS Walking: Routes 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 46, 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, and 22, Sprout Tower 2F and 3F, Union Cave (all floors), Bell Tower (all floors), Burned Tower (all floors), Safari Zone Plains and Mountain, Mt. Mortar 1F and B1F, Tohjo Falls
Pokéwalker: Suburban Area, Town Outskirts
HG SS Walking: Routes 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 46, 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, and 22, Sprout Tower 2F and 3F, Union Cave (all floors), Bell Tower (all floors), Burned Tower (all floors), Safari Zone Plains and Mountain, Mt. Mortar 1F and B1F, Tohjo Falls
Pokéwalker: Suburban Area, Town Outskirts
Raticate HG SS Evolve Rattata
HG SS Walking: Routes 38, 39, 47, 26, 27, 7, 9, and 10, Union Cave B2F, Burned Tower 1F, Safari Zone Plains, Meadow, and Mountain, Mt. Mortar 2F and B1F, Tohjo Falls
Spearow HG SS Walking: Routes 33, 42, 46, 47, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, and 22, Safari Zone Wetland
Gift: Route 35
Headbutt (Groups A and B): Azalea Town, Vermilion City, Celadon City, Routes 33, 42, 44, 45, 46, 7, 11, and 16
Pokéwalker: Noisy Forest
Fearow HG SS Evolve Spearow
HG SS Walking: Routes 47, 48, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, and 22, Safari Zone Peak, Wasteland, and Desert
Ekans HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Marshland
Purchase: Goldenrod Game Corner
HG SS Walking: Routes 32, 33, 3, and 4, Safari Zone Marshland
Arbok HG SS Evolve Ekans
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Marshland
HG SS Walking: Routes 26, 27, 3, and 4, Safari Zone Marshland
Pikachu HG SS Walking: Viridian Forest
In-Game Trade: Saffron City
Pokéwalker: Resort, Yellow Forest, Rally, Sightseeing
The in-game trade is for the player's Pikachu.
Raichu HG SS Evolve Pikachu
Sandshrew HG SS Walking: Union Cave 1F and B1F, Safari Zone Desert, Mt. Moon
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Desert
Purchase: Goldenrod Game Corner
Sandslash HG SS Evolve Sandshrew
HG SS Walking: Routes 26 and 27, Safari Zone Desert, Mt. Moon
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Desert
Nidoran♀ HG SS Walking: Routes 35 and 36, Safari Zone Savannah
Pokéwalker: Refreshing Field
Nidorina HG SS Evolve Nidoran♀
HG SS Walking: Routes 13, 14, and 15, Safari Zone Savannah
Nidoqueen HG SS Evolve Nidorina
Nidoran♂ HG SS Walking: Routes 35 and 36, Safari Zone Savannah
Pokéwalker: Refreshing Field
Nidorino HG SS Evolve Nidoran♂
HG SS Walking: Routes 13, 14, and 15, Safari Zone Savannah
Nidoking HG SS Evolve Nidorino
Clefairy HG SS Evolve Cleffa
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Meadow, Mt. Moon
Pokéwalker: Resort, Night Sky's Edge
Clefable HG SS Evolve Clefairy
Vulpix HG SS Walking: Routes 36, 37, 48, 7, and 8
Ninetales HG SS Evolve Vulpix
Jigglypuff HG SS Evolve Igglybuff
HG SS Walking: Routes 3 and 4, Safari Zone Meadow and Swamp
Pokéwalker: Resort, Night Sky's Edge
Wigglytuff HG SS Evolve Jigglypuff
Zubat HG SS Walking: Routes 32, 33, 42, 3, and 4, Dark Cave (all areas), Union Cave (all floors), Slowpoke Well (both floors), Ilex Forest, Burned Tower (all floors), Whirl Islands (all floors), Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Savannah, Rocky Beach, and Mountain, Mt. Mortar 1F and B1F, Ice Path (all floors), Tohjo Falls, Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel (both floors), Seafoam Islands 1F, B1F, B2F, and B3F
Pokéwalker: Dim Cave, Night Sky's Edge
Golbat HG SS Evolve Zubat
HG SS Walking: Dark Cave (Route 45 side), Union Cave B2F, Slowpoke Well B2F, Whirl Islands (all floors), Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Savannah and Mountain, Mt. Mortar 2F, Ice Path (all floors), Tohjo Falls, Victory Road (all floors), Seafoam Islands (all floors), Mt. Silver 1F, 2F, Moltres' room, Expert Belt room, 3F, lower mountainside, and upper mountainside, Cerulean Cave (all floors)
Pokéwalker: Scary Cave, Quiet Cave
Oddish HG SS Walking: Routes 5, 6, 24, and 25, Ilex Forest, Safari Zone Marshland
Pokéwalker: Noisy Forest
Gloom HG SS Evolve Oddish
HG SS Walking: Routes 47, 48, and 5, Safari Zone Marshland
Pokéwalker: Treehouse
Vileplume HG SS Evolve Gloom
Paras HG SS Walking: Ilex Forest, Bug-Catching Contest, Safari Zone Peak and Swamp, Mt. Moon
Pokéwalker: Noisy Forest
Paras can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Parasect HG SS Evolve Paras Parasect can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Swamp, Cerulean Cave (all floors)
Venonat HG SS Walking: Routes 43, 24, and 25, Bug-Catching Contest
Headbutt (Group B): Route 43, Lake of Rage
Pokéwalker: Noisy Forest
Venomoth HG SS Evolve Venonat
HG SS Walking: Routes 24 and 25
Diglett HG SS Walking: Route 48, Safari Zone Marshland, Diglett's Cave
Rock Smash: Vermilion City
Diglett can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Dugtrio HG SS Evolve Diglett
HG SS Walking: Diglett's Cave
Meowth HG SS Pokéwalker: Sightseeing
HG SS Walking: Routes 38, 39, 5, 6, 7, and 8
Pokéwalker: Sightseeing
Persian HG SS Evolve Meowth
HG SS Walking: Route 7, Cerulean Cave 1F
Psyduck HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Wetland, Seafoam Islands (all floors)
Surfing: Routes 35 and 6, Ilex Forest, Safari Zone Wetland, Cerulean Cave 1F and B1F
Fishing (Good Rod): Seafoam Islands B4F
Pokéwalker: Beautiful Beach, Stormy Beach
Golduck HG SS Evolve Psyduck
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Wetland and Wasteland, Seafoam Islands (all floors), Mt. Silver 2F, Moltres' room, Expert Belt room, 3F, lower mountainside, and upper mountainside
Surfing: Routes 35 and 6, Ilex Forest, Safari Zone Wetland, Cerulean Cave 1F and B1F
Mankey HG SS Walking: Routes 42 and 9
Primeape HG SS Evolve Mankey
HG SS Walking: Route 9, Cerulean Cave 1F
Growlithe HG SS Walking: Routes 36, 37, 48, 7, and 8
Arcanine HG SS Evolve Growlithe
Poliwag HG SS Surfing: Violet City, Ecruteak City, Viridian City, Routes 30, 31, 44, 22, and 28, Safari Zone Rocky Beach, Wetland, and Marshland, Mt. Moon Square (anytime), Mt. Silver Outside
Fishing (Old Rod): Violet City, Ecruteak City, Blackthorn City, Viridian City, Routes 30, 31, 35, 43, 44, 45, 6, 22, and 28, Ruins of Alph Outside, Ilex Forest, Safari Zone Meadow, Wetland, and Marshland, Mt. Moon Square (after interrupting the Clefairy dance), Mt. Silver Outside
Fishing (Good & Super Rods): Violet City, Ecruteak City, Blackthorn City, Viridian City, Routes 30, 31, 35, 43, 44, 45, 6, 22, and 28, Ruins of Alph Outside, Ilex Forest, Cliff Edge Gate, Safari Zone Meadow and Wetland, Mt. Moon Square (anytime), Mt. Silver Outside, Cerulean Cave 1F and B1F
Pokéwalker: Beautiful Beach, Blue Lake
Poliwhirl HG SS Evolve Poliwag
HG SS Surfing: Violet City, Ecruteak City, Viridian City, Routes 30, 31, 44, 22, and 28, Safari Zone Rocky Beach, Mt. Silver Outside
Fishing (Old Rod): Safari Zone Meadow and Wetland
Fishing (Good Rod): Safari Zone Meadow, Wetland, and Marshland
Fishing (Super Rod): Safari Zone Meadow, Wetland, and Marshland, Cerulean Cave 1F and B1F
Pokéwalker: Sightseeing
Poliwrath HG SS Evolve Poliwhirl
Abra HG SS Walking: Routes 34, 35, 5, 6, 8, 24, and 25, Safari Zone Plains
Purchase: Goldenrod Game Corner
Pokéwalker: Town Outskirts
Kadabra HG SS Evolve Abra
HG SS Walking: Route 8, Cerulean Cave B1F and B2F
Alakazam HG SS Evolve Kadabra Kadabra evolves by trading.
Machop HG SS Walking: Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Wasteland, Mt. Mortar (all areas), Rock Tunnel 1F
In-Game Trade: Goldenrod Department Store
Pokéwalker: Rugged Road, Dim Cave, Scary Cave
The in-game trade is for the player's Drowzee.
Machoke HG SS Evolve Machop
HG SS Walking: Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Wasteland, Mt. Mortar 2F, Rock Tunnel 1F, Cerulean Cave (all floors)
Machamp HG SS Evolve Machoke Machoke evolves by trading.
Bellsprout HG SS Walking: Routes 31, 32, 44, 5, 6, 24, and 25, Safari Zone Forest and Wasteland
Pokéwalker: Noisy Forest
Weepinbell HG SS Evolve Bellsprout Weepinbell can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Routes 44, 24, and 25, Safari Zone Swamp
Pokéwalker: Treehouse
Victreebel HG SS Evolve Weepinbell
Tentacool HG SS Surfing: New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Pallet Town, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, Routes 32, 34, 40, 41, 47, 26, 27, 12, 13, 19, 20, and 21, Union Cave B2F, Whirl Islands 1F
Gift: Cianwood City
Fishing (Old & Good Rods): New Bark Town, Pallet Town, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, Routes 32, 41, 47, 26, 27, 12, 13, 20, and 21
Fishing (Super Rod): Routes 32, 12, and 13
Pokéwalker: Blue Lake
The gift Tentacool can only be received if the player has no Pokémon with Surf and no means of obtaining one.
Tentacruel HG SS Evolve Tentacool
HG SS Surfing: New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Pallet Town, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, Routes 32, 34, 40, 41, 26, 27, 12, 13, 19, 20, and 21, Union Cave B2F, Whirl Islands 1F and B2F
Fishing (Super Rod): New Bark Town, Pallet Town, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, Routes 41, 47, 26, 27, 20, and 21
Geodude HG SS Walking: Routes 45 and 46, Dark Cave (all areas), Union Cave (all floors), Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Meadow and Peak, Mt. Mortar (all areas), Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel (both floors)
Static: Team Rocket HQ B1F (Five)
Rock Smash: Dark Cave (Route 31/46 side), Ruins of Alph Outside, Victory Road 3F, Rock Tunnel B1F, Cerulean Cave 1F and B1F
Pokéwalker: Rugged Road, Volcano Path, Night Sky's Edge
Graveler HG SS Evolve Geodude
HG SS Walking: Route 45, Dark Cave (Route 45 side), Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Peak, Mt. Mortar 2F, Victory Road (all floors), Mt. Silver 1F
Rock Smash: Victory Road 3F, Cerulean Cave 1F and B1F
Golem HG SS Evolve Graveler Graveler evolves by trading.
Ponyta HG SS Walking: Routes 26, 27, 22, and 28, Safari Zone Plains, Mt. Silver Outside
Pokéwalker: Rugged Road, Volcano Path
Ponyta can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Rapidash HG SS Evolve Ponyta
HG SS Walking: Route 28, Mt. Silver Outside
Slowpoke HG SS Walking: Slowpoke Well (both floors), Safari Zone Rocky Beach, Tohjo Falls
Surfing: Slowpoke Well (both floors), Tohjo Falls
Pokéwalker: Beautiful Beach
Slowbro HG SS Evolve Slowpoke
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Peak and Rocky Beach
Surfing: Slowpoke Well B2F, Seafoam Islands B4F
Magnemite HG SS Walking: Routes 38, 39, 6, and 11, Safari Zone Peak and Wasteland
Pokéwalker: Suburban Area
Magneton HG SS Evolve Magnemite The in-game trade is for the player's Dugtrio.
It cannot be evolved into Magnezone.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Peak and Mountain, Cerulean Cave (all floors)
In-Game Trade: Power Plant
Farfetch'd HG SS Walking: Routes 38, 39, 47, and 48, Safari Zone Wetland
Doduo HG SS Walking: Routes 26, 27, 22, and 28, Safari Zone Rocky Beach and Wetland, Mt. Silver Outside
Pokéwalker: Refreshing Field
Dodrio HG SS Evolve Doduo The in-game trade is for the player's female Dragonair.
Dodrio can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Routes 26 and 28, Safari Zone Rocky Beach, Mt. Silver Outside
In-Game Trade: Blackthorn City
HG SS Walking: Routes 27 and 28, Safari Zone Rocky Beach, Mt. Silver Outside
In-Game Trade: Blackthorn City
Seel HG SS Walking: Whirl Islands (all floors), Seafoam Islands B1F, B2F, B3F, and B4F
Surfing: Route 47, Seafoam Islands B4F
Pokéwalker: Stormy Beach
Dewgong HG SS Evolve Seel
HG SS Walking: Seafoam Islands B3F and B4F
Grimer HG SS Walking: Routes 16, 17, and 18, Safari Zone Marshland
Surfing: Celadon City, Safari Zone Marshland
Pokéwalker: Town Outskirts
Muk HG SS Evolve Grimer Muk can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Routes 16, 17, and 18, Safari Zone Marshland
Surfing: Celadon City, Safari Zone Marshland
Shellder HG SS Fishing (Good & Super Rods): New Bark Town, Pallet Town, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, Routes 41, 47, 26, 27, 20, and 21
Pokéwalker: Blue Lake, Stormy Beach
Cloyster HG SS Evolve Shellder
Gastly HG SS Walking: Sprout Tower 2F and 3F, Bell Tower (all floors), Safari Zone Forest
Pokéwalker: Dim Cave, Scary Cave
Haunter HG SS Evolve Gastly
HG SS Walking: Route 8, Safari Zone Forest
Pokéwalker: White Lake
Gengar HG SS Evolve Haunter Haunter evolves by trading.
Onix HG SS Walking: Union Cave (all floors), Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Wasteland, Victory Road (all floors), Rock Tunnel B1F, Mt. Silver 1F and lower mountainside
In-Game Trade: Violet City
Pokéwalker: Rugged Road, Dim Cave, Night Sky's Edge
The in-game trade is for the player's Bellsprout.
Drowzee HG SS Walking: Routes 34, 35, and 11, Safari Zone Swamp
Hypno HG SS Evolve Drowzee
HG SS Walking: Route 11, Safari Zone Swamp
Krabby HG SS Walking: Whirl Islands (all floors), Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Rocky Beach and Mountain
Rock Smash: Cianwood City, Route 19, Cliff Cave
Fishing (Old & Good Rods): Cherrygrove City, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Routes 34, 40, and 19, Union Cave B2F, Whirl Islands 1F and B2F, Safari Zone Rocky Beach, Seafoam Islands B4F
Fishing (Super Rod): Cherrygrove City, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Routes 34, 40, and 19, Union Cave B2F, Whirl Islands 1F and B2F
Pokéwalker: Blue Lake
Kingler HG SS Evolve Krabby Kingler can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Rocky Beach and Wasteland
Rock Smash: Route 19, Cliff Cave
Fishing (Good Rod): Safari Zone Rocky Beach
Fishing (Super Rod): Cherrygrove City, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Routes 34, 40, and 19, Union Cave B2F, Whirl Islands 1F and B2F, Safari Zone Rocky Beach, Seafoam Islands B4F
Voltorb HG SS Walking: Route 10, Safari Zone Swamp
Static: Team Rocket HQ B1F (Six)
In-Game Trade: Olivine City
Pokéwalker: Town Outskirts
The in-game trade is for the player's Krabby.
Voltorb can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Electrode HG SS Evolve Voltorb
HG SS Walking: Cerulean Cave (all floors)
Static: Team Rocket HQ B2F (Three)
Exeggcute HG SS Headbutt (Groups A and B): New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Safari Zone Gate, Routes 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 47, 48, 26, and 27, National Park, Lake of Rage
Headbutt (Special): Cherrygrove City, Route 38, National Park
Pokéwalker: Big Forest
Exeggutor HG SS Evolve Exeggcute
Cubone HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Desert, Rock Tunnel (both floors)
Marowak HG SS Evolve Cubone
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Desert, Rock Tunnel B1F
Pokéwalker: Scary Cave
Hitmonlee HG SS Evolve Tyrogue
Hitmonchan HG SS Evolve Tyrogue
Lickitung HG SS Walking: Route 44, Safari Zone Forest and Mountain
Koffing HG SS Walking: Burned Tower (all floors), Safari Zone Marshland
Static: Team Rocket HQ B1F (Five)
Pokéwalker: Town Outskirts
Weezing HG SS Evolve Koffing
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Marshland
Rhyhorn HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Savannah, Victory Road (all floors)
In-Game Trade: Diglett's Cave
Pokéwalker: Volcano Path
The in-game trade is for the player's Bonsly.
Rhydon HG SS Evolve Rhyhorn Rhydon can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Savannah
Chansey HG SS Walking: Routes 13, 14, and 15, Safari Zone Meadow Chansey can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Tangela HG SS Walking: Routes 44, 21, and 28, Mt. Silver Outside
Headbutt (Group B): Fuchsia City, Routes 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, and 21
Pokéwalker: Big Forest
Kangaskhan HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Wasteland, Rock Tunnel B1F
Pokéwalker: Refreshing Field
Horsea HG SS Surfing: Whirl Islands 1F and B2F, Seafoam Islands B4F
Fishing (Good & Super Rods): Whirl Islands 1F and B2F, Seafoam Islands B4F
Pokéwalker: Warm Beach, Beyond the Sea, Winner's Path
Seadra HG SS Evolve Horsea
HG SS Surfing: Whirl Islands B2F
Fishing (Super Rod): Whirl Islands 1F and B2F, Seafoam Islands B4F
Goldeen HG SS Surfing: Cerulean City, Routes 42, 4, 9, 10, 24, and 25, Safari Zone Swamp, Mt. Mortar 1F front, 2F, and B1F, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Silver 1F
Fishing (Old Rod): Cerulean City, Routes 42, 4, 9, 10, 24, and 25, Dark Cave (all areas), Union Cave 1F and B1F, Slowpoke Well (both floors), Safari Zone Rocky Beach and Swamp, Mt. Mortar 1F front, 2F, and B1F, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Silver 1F
Fishing (Good Rod): Cerulean City, Routes 42, 4, 9, 10, 24, and 25, Dark Cave (all areas), Union Cave 1F and B1F, Slowpoke Well (both floors), Safari Zone Rocky Beach and Swamp, Mt. Mortar 1F front, 2F, and B1F, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Silver 1F, Cerulean Cave 1F and B1F
Fishing (Super Rod): Cerulean City, Routes 42, 4, 9, 10, 24, and 25, Dark Cave (all areas), Union Cave 1F and B1F, Slowpoke Well (both floors), Safari Zone Rocky Beach and Swamp, Mt. Mortar 1F front, 2F, and B1F, Tohjo Falls
Pokéwalker: Blue Lake, Warm Beach
Seaking HG SS Evolve Goldeen
HG SS Surfing: Cerulean City, Routes 42, 4, 9, 10, 24, and 25, Safari Zone Swamp, Mt. Mortar 1F front, 2F, and B1F, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Silver 1F
Fishing (Old Rod): Safari Zone Swamp
Fishing (Good Rod): Safari Zone Swamp, Mt. Silver 1F
Fishing (Super Rod): Cerulean City, Routes 42, 4, 9, 10, 24, and 25, Dark Cave (all areas), Union Cave 1F and B1F, Slowpoke Well (both floors), Safari Zone Rocky Beach and Swamp, Mt. Mortar 1F front, 2F, and B1F, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Silver 1F
Staryu HG SS Surfing: Route 47
Fishing (Good & Super Rods): Cherrygrove City, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Routes 34, 40, and 19, Union Cave B2F
Pokéwalker: Beautiful Beach, Beyond the Sea
Starmie HG SS Evolve Staryu
Mr. Mime
Mr. Mime HG SS Evolve Mime Jr.
HG SS Walking: Route 21, Safari Zone Forest
Purchase: Celadon Game Corner
Scyther HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
Jynx HG SS Evolve Smoochum
HG SS Walking: Ice Path (all floors), Seafoam Islands B4F
Electabuzz HG SS Evolve Elekid Electabuzz can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Route 10, Safari Zone Forest
Magmar HG SS Evolve Magby
HG SS Walking: Burned Tower B1F, Safari Zone Peak
Pinsir HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
Tauros HG SS Walking: Routes 38, 39, and 48, Safari Zone Savannah
Pokéwalker: Scary Cave
Magikarp HG SS Surfing: Blackthorn City, Fuchsia City, Routes 43 and 45, Dark Cave (all areas), Safari Zone Meadow, Rocky Beach, and Swamp, Lake of Rage, Dragon's Den, Mt. Moon Square (normally)
Fishing (Old Rod): New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Blackthorn City, Pallet Town, Viridian City, Cerulean City, Vermilion City, Fuchsia City, Cinnabar Island, Routes 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 26, 27, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, and 28, Dark Cave (all areas), Ruins of Alph Outside, Union Cave (all floors), Slowpoke Well (both floors), Ilex Forest, Whirl Islands 1F and B2F, Cliff Edge Gate, Safari Zone Meadow, Rocky Beach, Wetland, Swamp, and Marshland, Mt. Mortar 1F front, 2F, and B1F, Lake of Rage, Dragon's Den, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Moon Square (anytime), Seafoam Islands B4F, Mt. Silver Outside and 1F, Cerulean Cave 1F and B1F
Fishing (Good Rod): New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Blackthorn City, Pallet Town, Viridian City, Cerulean City, Vermilion City, Fuchsia City, Cinnabar Island, Routes 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 26, 27, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, and 28, Dark Cave (all areas), Ruins of Alph Outside, Union Cave (all floors), Slowpoke Well (both floors), Ilex Forest, Whirl Islands 1F and B2F, Cliff Edge Gate, Safari Zone Meadow, Rocky Beach, Swamp, and Marshland, Mt. Mortar 1F front, 2F, and B1F, Lake of Rage, Dragon's Den, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Moon Square (anytime), Seafoam Islands B4F, Mt. Silver Outside and 1F, Cerulean Cave 1F and B1F
Fishing (Super Rod): Violet City, Ecruteak City, Blackthorn City, Viridian City, Cerulean City, Fuchsia City, Routes 30, 31, 32, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 22, 24, 25, and 28, Dark Cave (all areas), Ruins of Alph Outside, Union Cave 1F and B1F, Slowpoke Well (both floors), Ilex Forest, Cliff Edge Gate, Mt. Mortar 1F front, 2F, and B1F, Lake of Rage, Dragon's Den, Tohjo Falls, Mt. Moon Square (after interrupting the Clefairy dance), Mt. Silver Outside
Pokéwalker: Warm Beach, Stormy Beach, Winner's Path
Gyarados HG SS Evolve Magikarp
HG SS Surfing: Lake of Rage
Fishing (Good Rod): Fuchsia City, Safari Zone Meadow and Marshland, Lake of Rage, Mt. Silver 1F
Fishing (Super Rod): Fuchsia City, Safari Zone Meadow, Wetland, and Marshland, Lake of Rage, Seafoam Islands B4F, Mt. Silver 1F, Cerulean Cave 1F and B1F
Gyarados (Shiny) HG SS Static: Lake of Rage
Lapras HG SS Surfing: Safari Zone Rocky Beach
Static: Union Cave B2F
Ditto HG SS Walking: Routes 34, 35, and 47, Safari Zone Wetland, Cerulean Cave (all floors)
Eevee HG SS Gift: Goldenrod City
Purchase: Celadon Game Corner
Pokéwalker: Sightseeing
It cannot be evolved into Leafeon or Glaceon.
Vaporeon HG SS Evolve Eevee
Jolteon HG SS Evolve Eevee
Flareon HG SS Evolve Eevee
Porygon HG SS Purchase: Celadon Game Corner
Omanyte HG SS Gift: Pewter Museum (Revive from Helix Fossil) Fossils can be revived in either game, but Helix Fossils can only be found naturally in HeartGold.
Omastar HG SS Evolve Omanyte
Kabuto HG SS Gift: Pewter Museum (Revive from Dome Fossil) Fossils can be revived in either game, but Dome Fossils can only be found naturally in SoulSilver.
Kabutops HG SS Evolve Kabuto
Aerodactyl HG SS Gift: Pewter Museum (Revive from Old Amber)
Snorlax HG SS Evolve Munchlax Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear on Route 12 after defeating the Elite Four.
HG SS Static: Route 11
Articuno HG SS Static: Seafoam Islands B4F Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear after defeating the Elite Four.
Zapdos HG SS Static: Route 10 Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear after defeating the Elite Four.
Moltres HG SS Static: Mt. Silver Moltres' room Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear after defeating the Elite Four.
Dratini HG SS Surfing: Dragon's Den
Gift: Dragon's Den
Purchase: Goldenrod Game Corner
Fishing (Good & Super Rods): Safari Zone Swamp, Dragon's Den
Pokéwalker: Blue Lake
Dragonair HG SS Evolve Dratini Dragonair can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Fishing (Super Rod): Safari Zone Swamp, Dragon's Den
Dragonite HG SS Evolve Dragonair
Mewtwo HG SS Static: Cerulean Cave B1F Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear after defeating the Elite Four.
Mew HG SS The only way to obtain Mew without glitches or hacking was to receive it in an event for a physical copy of Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver between 2007 and 2010, trade it to Diamond or Pearl from My Pokémon Ranch after depositing 999 Pokémon, or transfer it via Pal Park from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, or LeafGreen.
Chikorita HG SS Gift: New Bark Town It is mutually exclusive with Cyndaquil and Totodile.
Bayleef HG SS Evolve Chikorita
Meganium HG SS Evolve Bayleef
Cyndaquil HG SS Gift: New Bark Town It is mutually exclusive with Chikorita and Totodile.
Quilava HG SS Evolve Cyndaquil
Typhlosion HG SS Evolve Quilava
Totodile HG SS Gift: New Bark Town It is mutually exclusive with Chikorita and Cyndaquil.
Croconaw HG SS Evolve Totodile
Feraligatr HG SS Evolve Croconaw
Sentret HG SS Walking: Routes 29 and 1, Safari Zone Wetland and Swamp
Pokéwalker: Refreshing Field
Furret HG SS Evolve Sentret Furret can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Route 1, Safari Zone Wetland and Swamp
Pokéwalker: Town Outskirts
Hoothoot HG SS Walking: Routes 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, 1, and 2, National Park, Viridian Forest
Headbutt (Groups A and B): New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Safari Zone Gate, Pallet Town, Viridian City, Pewter City, Cerulean City, Fuchsia City, Routes 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 47, 48, 26, 27, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, and 25, Ilex Forest, National Park, Lake of Rage, Viridian Forest
Pokéwalker: Rugged Road, Suburban Area, Night Sky's Edge
Noctowl HG SS Evolve Hoothoot
HG SS Walking: Routes 43, 47, 2, 8, 13, 14, and 15, Viridian Forest
Headbutt (Group B): Ilex Forest, Viridian Forest
Pokéwalker: Quiet Cave
Ledyba HG SS Walking: Routes 30, 31, 37, and 2
Headbutt (Group A): Fuchsia City, Routes 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, and 21, Viridian Forest
Headbutt (Group B): New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Ecruteak City, Safari Zone Gate, Pallet Town, Viridian City, Routes 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 47, 48, 26, 27, 1, 2, and 22, National Park
Ledian HG SS Evolve Ledyba
HG SS Walking: Route 2
Headbutt (Group B): Viridian Forest
Spinarak HG SS Walking: Routes 30, 31, 37, and 2
Headbutt (Group A): Fuchsia City, Routes 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, and 21, Viridian Forest
Headbutt (Group B): New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Ecruteak City, Safari Zone Gate, Pallet Town, Viridian City, Routes 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 47, 48, 26, 27, 1, 2, and 22, National Park
Ariados HG SS Evolve Spinarak
HG SS Walking: Route 2
Headbutt (Group B): Viridian Forest
Crobat HG SS Evolve Golbat
Chinchou HG SS Fishing (Good & Super Rods): New Bark Town, Pallet Town, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, Routes 41, 47, 26, 27, 20, and 21
Pokéwalker: White Lake, Beyond the Sea
Lanturn HG SS Evolve Chinchou
HG SS Fishing (Super Rod): New Bark Town, Pallet Town, Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, Routes 41, 47, 26, 27, 20, and 21
Pichu HG SS Breed a Pikachu or Raichu
Spiky-eared Pichu
Spiky-eared Pichu HG SS Static: Ilex Forest Requires a Pikachu-colored Pichu (or its evolution), which was only distributed in an event between 2009 and 2010.
Cleffa HG SS Breed a Clefairy or Clefable
HG SS Pokéwalker: Amity Meadow
Igglybuff HG SS Breed a Jigglypuff or Wigglytuff
HG SS Pokéwalker: Amity Meadow
Togepi HG SS Gift: Violet City It is obtained as an Egg.
Togetic HG SS Evolve Togepi
Natu HG SS Walking: Ruins of Alph Outside
Headbutt (Groups A and B): Route 28, Mt. Silver Outside and lower mountainside
Pokéwalker: Scary Cave
Xatu HG SS Evolve Natu The in-game trade is for the player's Haunter.
HG SS In-Game Trade: Pewter City
Mareep HG SS Walking: Routes 32, 42, and 43, Safari Zone Rocky Beach
Gift: Violet City
Pokéwalker: Icy Mountain Rd., Big Forest
The Mareep that can be obtained in Violet City is obtained from Primo as an Egg, if the right phrase is provided to him.
Mareep can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Flaaffy HG SS Evolve Mareep
HG SS Walking: Routes 42 and 43
Ampharos HG SS Evolve Flaaffy
Bellossom HG SS Evolve Gloom
Marill HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Meadow, Mt. Mortar 1F front
Surfing: Safari Zone Meadow
Pokéwalker: Resort
Azumarill HG SS Evolve Marill
Sudowoodo HG SS Evolve Bonsly
HG SS Static: Route 36
Politoed HG SS Evolve Poliwhirl Poliwhirl evolves by trading.
Hoppip HG SS Walking: Routes 32, 33, 48, 13, 14, and 15, Safari Zone Meadow
Pokéwalker: Resort
Skiploom HG SS Evolve Hoppip
HG SS Walking: Route 14, Safari Zone Meadow
Surfing: Safari Zone Meadow
Jumpluff HG SS Evolve Skiploom Jumpluff can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Marshland
Surfing: Safari Zone Marshland
Aipom HG SS Headbutt (Groups A and B): Azalea Town, Routes 33, 42, 44, 45, 46, and 28, Mt. Silver Outside and lower mountainside
Sunkern HG SS Walking: Route 24, National Park, Safari Zone Meadow
Pokéwalker: Beautiful Beach
Sunflora HG SS Evolve Sunkern
Yanma HG SS Walking: Route 35
Wooper HG SS Walking: Route 32, Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Meadow, Wetland, and Marshland
Surfing: Ruins of Alph Outside, Union Cave 1F and B1F, Cliff Edge Gate, Safari Zone Meadow, Wetland, and Marshland
Gift: Violet City
Pokéwalker: Beautiful Beach
The Wooper that can be obtained in Violet City is obtained from Primo as an Egg, if the right phrase is provided to him.
Quagsire HG SS Evolve Wooper
HG SS Walking: Routes 26, 27, 10, 13, 14, and 15, Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Wetland, Mt. Silver 2F, Moltres' room, Expert Belt room, 3F, and upper mountainside
Surfing: Routes 32, 12, 13, Ruins of Alph Outside, Union Cave (all floors), Cliff Edge Gate, Safari Zone Wetland and Marshland
Espeon HG SS Evolve Eevee
Umbreon HG SS Evolve Eevee
Murkrow HG SS Walking: Routes 7 and 16, Safari Zone Swamp
Surfing: Safari Zone Swamp
Pokéwalker: Suburban Area
Slowking HG SS Evolve Slowpoke Slowpoke evolves by trading.
Misdreavus HG SS Walking: Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Forest, Mt. Silver 2F, Moltres' room, Expert Belt room, 3F, and upper mountainside
Pokéwalker: White Lake
Unown HG SS Walking: Ruins of Alph Inside When all Unown letters are unlocked, they all have equal chances to spawn.
Wobbuffet HG SS Walking: Dark Cave (Route 45 side), Safari Zone Peak, Cerulean Cave (all floors)
Pokéwalker: Noisy Forest
Girafarig HG SS Walking: Routes 43 and 48, Safari Zone Plains
Pokéwalker: Treehouse
Pineco HG SS Headbutt (Group A): New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Safari Zone Gate, Pallet Town, Viridian City, Pewter City, Cerulean City, Routes 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 47, 48, 26, 27, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 22, and 25, National Park, Lake of Rage
Headbutt (Group B): Ilex Forest
Forretress HG SS Evolve Pineco
Dunsparce HG SS Walking: Dark Cave (Route 31/46 side)
Rock Smash: Dark Cave (Route 31/46 side)
Gligar HG SS Walking: Route 45
Steelix HG SS Evolve Onix Onix evolves by trading.
The in-game trade is for any of the player's Pokémon.
HG SS Walking: Cliff Cave, Mt. Silver Moltres' room
In-Game Trade: Olivine City
Snubbull HG SS Walking: Route 38
Granbull HG SS Evolve Snubbull
Qwilfish HG SS Fishing (Old & Good Rods): Route 32
Fishing (Super Rod): Routes 32, 12, and 13
On Route 32, during a Swarm, Qwilfish can be found with any Rod.
On Route 32, outside of a Swarm, Qwilfish can only be found with the Good and Super Rods.
Scizor HG SS Evolve Scyther Scyther evolves by trading.
Shuckle HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Marshland
Gift: Cianwood City
Rock Smash: Cianwood City, Vermilion City
Shuckle can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Heracross HG SS Headbutt (Group A): Azalea Town, Vermilion City, Celadon City, Routes 33, 42, 44, 45, 46, 7, 11, 16, and 28, Mt. Silver Outside and lower mountainside
Headbutt (Group B): Route 28, Mt. Silver Outside and lower mountainside
Headbutt (Special): Route 47
Sneasel HG SS Walking: Route 28, Mt. Silver Outside, 2F, 3F, and upper mountainside
Pokéwalker: Icy Mountain Rd.
Teddiursa HG SS Walking: Route 45, Mt. Silver 1F, 2F, Expert Belt room, and lower mountainside
Ursaring HG SS Evolve Teddiursa
HG SS Walking: Route 28, Victory Road (all floors), Mt. Silver (all areas)
Slugma HG SS Walking: Routes 16, 17, and 18
Gift: Violet City
Pokéwalker: Volcano Path
The Slugma that can be obtained in Violet City is obtained from Primo as an Egg, if the right phrase is provided to him.
Magcargo HG SS Evolve Slugma
Swinub HG SS Walking: Ice Path (all floors)
Pokéwalker: Icy Mountain Rd.
Piloswine HG SS Evolve Swinub
Corsola HG SS Fishing (Good & Super Rods): Cherrygrove City, Olivine City, Cianwood City, Routes 34, 40, and 19, Union Cave B2F
Pokéwalker: Beyond the Sea
Remoraid HG SS Fishing (any Rod): Route 44
Pokéwalker: White Lake, Beyond the Sea
On Route 44, during a Swarm, Remoraid can be found with any Rod.
On Route 44, outside of a Swarm, Remoraid can only be found with the Good and Super Rods.
Octillery HG SS Evolve Remoraid
HG SS Pokéwalker: Beyond the Sea
Delibird HG SS Walking: Ice Path (all floors)
Mantine HG SS Surfing: Route 41
Skarmory HG SS Walking: Route 45
Houndour HG SS Walking: Route 7, Safari Zone Savannah
Pokéwalker: Volcano Path
Houndour can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Houndoom HG SS Evolve Houndour Houndoom can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Plains
Kingdra HG SS Evolve Seadra Seadra evolves by trading.
Phanpy HG SS Walking: Route 45, Mt. Silver 1F, 2F, Expert Belt room, and lower mountainside
Donphan HG SS Evolve Phanpy
HG SS Walking: Route 28, Victory Road (all floors), Mt. Silver (all areas)
Porygon2 HG SS Evolve Porygon Porygon evolves by trading.
Stantler HG SS Walking: Routes 36 and 37, Safari Zone Plains
Pokéwalker: Treehouse
Smeargle HG SS Walking: Ruins of Alph Outside, Safari Zone Plains
Tyrogue HG SS Gift: Mt. Mortar B1F
Hitmontop HG SS Evolve Tyrogue
Smoochum HG SS Breed Jynx
HG SS Pokéwalker: Dim Cave, Amity Meadow
Elekid HG SS Breed an Electabuzz or Electivire
HG SS Pokéwalker: Suburban Area, Amity Meadow
Magby HG SS Breed a Magmar or Magmortar
HG SS Pokéwalker: Rugged Road, Amity Meadow
Miltank HG SS Walking: Routes 38, 39, and 47
Blissey HG SS Evolve Chansey
Raikou HG SS Walking: Roaming Legend Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear after defeating the Elite Four and triggering it in the Burned Tower.
Entei HG SS Walking: Roaming Legend Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear after defeating the Elite Four and triggering it in the Burned Tower.
Suicune HG SS Static: Route 25 Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear at the Burned Tower after defeating the Elite Four.
Larvitar HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Mountain, Mt. Silver 1F, 2F, Moltres' room, Expert Belt room, 3F, lower mountainside, and upper mountainside
Pupitar HG SS Evolve Larvitar
HG SS Walking: Mt. Silver Expert Belt room
Tyranitar HG SS Evolve Pupitar
Lugia HG SS Static: Whirl Islands B3F Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear after defeating the Elite Four.
Ho-Oh HG SS Static: Bell Tower 10F Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear after defeating the Elite Four.
Celebi HG SS The only way to obtain Celebi without glitches or hacking was to receive it in an event for a physical copy of Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver between 2010 and 2011 or transfer it via Pal Park from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, or LeafGreen.
Treecko HG SS Gift: Silph Co. It is mutually exclusive with Torchic and Mudkip.
Grovyle HG SS Evolve Treecko
Sceptile HG SS Evolve Grovyle
Torchic HG SS Gift: Silph Co.
Pokéwalker: Sightseeing
The one obtained in Silph Co. is mutually exclusive with Treecko and Mudkip.
Combusken HG SS Evolve Torchic
Blaziken HG SS Evolve Combusken
Mudkip HG SS Gift: Silph Co. It is mutually exclusive with Treecko and Torchic.
Marshtomp HG SS Evolve Mudkip
Swampert HG SS Evolve Marshtomp
Poochyena HG SS Walking: Route 1 Poochyena can only be found on Route 1 during a Swarm.
Mightyena HG SS Evolve Poochyena
Zigzagoon HG SS Walking: Sprout Tower 2F and 3F, Bell Tower (all floors), Burned Tower (all floors), Safari Zone Plains and Savannah
Pokéwalker: Hoenn Field
Zigzagoon can only be found outside of the Pokéwalker and the Safari Zone when Hoenn Sound is active.
Zigzagoon can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Linoone HG SS Evolve Zigzagoon Linoone can only be found outside of the Pokéwalker and Safari Zone when Hoenn Sound is active.
Linoone can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Routes 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 26, 27, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 21, 22, 24, 25, and 28, Ruins of Alph Outside, Safari Zone Peak, Mt. Silver Outside
Pokéwalker: Hoenn Field
Wurmple HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
Headbutt (Groups A and B): Pallet Town, Viridian City, Pewter City, Fuchsia City, Routes 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, and 22
Headbutt (Special): Pewter City
Pokéwalker: Hoenn Field
Wurmple can only be found in the Bug-Catching Contest after obtaining the National Dex.
Silcoon HG SS Evolve Wurmple Silcoon can only be found in the Bug-Catching Contest after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
Beautifly HG SS Evolve Silcoon Beautifly can only be found in the Bug-Catching Contest after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
Cascoon HG SS Evolve Wurmple Cascoon can only be found in the Bug-Catching Contest after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
Dustox HG SS Evolve Cascoon Dustox can only be found in the Bug-Catching Contest after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
Lotad HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Plains and Desert Lotad can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Lombre HG SS Evolve Lotad Lombre can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Wetland
Ludicolo HG SS Evolve Lombre
Seedot HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Meadow
Headbutt (Groups A and B): Viridian Forest
Seedot can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Nuzleaf HG SS Evolve Seedot Nuzleaf can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Meadow
Shiftry HG SS Evolve Nuzleaf
Taillow HG SS Headbutt (Special): Cherrygrove City
Swellow HG SS Evolve Taillow
Wingull HG SS Surfing: Vermilion City Wingull can only be found in Vermilion City during a Swarm.
Pelipper HG SS Evolve Wingull
HG SS Pokéwalker: Sightseeing
Ralts HG SS Walking: Route 34 Ralts can only be found on Route 34 during a Swarm.
Kirlia HG SS Evolve Ralts
Gardevoir HG SS Evolve Kirlia
Surskit HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Plains, Wetland, and Forest Surskit can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Masquerain HG SS Evolve Surskit Masquerain can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Meadow
Shroomish HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Savannah
Headbutt (Groups A and B): Viridian Forest
Shroomish can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Breloom HG SS Evolve Shroomish Breloom can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Wasteland
Slakoth HG SS Headbutt (Special): Route 25
Vigoroth HG SS Evolve Slakoth Vigoroth can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Peak
Slaking HG SS Evolve Vigoroth
Nincada HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest Nincada can only be found in the Bug-Catching Contest after obtaining the National Dex.
Ninjask HG SS Evolve Nincada
Shedinja HG SS Evolve Nincada
Whismur HG SS Walking: Routes 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 26, 27, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 21, 22, 24, 25, and 28, Ruins of Alph Outside, Mt. Silver Outside Whismur can only be found when Hoenn Sound is active.
Loudred HG SS Evolve Whismur
Exploud HG SS Evolve Loudred
Makuhita HG SS Walking: Dark Cave (all areas), Union Cave (all floors), Whirl Islands (all floors), Cliff Cave, Mt. Mortar (all areas), Ice Path (all floors), Tohjo Falls, Victory Road (all floors), Mt. Moon, Diglett's Cave, Rock Tunnel (both floors), Seafoam Islands (all floors), Mt. Silver 1F, 2F, Moltres' room, Expert Belt room, 3F, lower mountainside, and upper mountainside, Cerulean Cave (all floors) Makuhita can only be found when Hoenn Sound is active.
Hariyama HG SS Evolve Makuhita
Azurill HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Savannah
Pokéwalker: Warm Beach
Azurill can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Nosepass HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Meadow Nosepass can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
It cannot be evolved into Probopass.
Skitty HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Pokéwalker: Hoenn Field
Delcatty HG SS Evolve Skitty, trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Sableye HG SS Walking: Route 9
Pokéwalker: Rally
Sableye can only be found on Route 9 during a Swarm.
HG SS Pokéwalker: Rally
Mawile HG SS Walking: Route 9 Mawile can only be found on Route 9 during a Swarm.
Aron HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Rocky Beach Aron can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Lairon HG SS Evolve Aron Lairon can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Peak
Aggron HG SS Evolve Lairon
Meditite HG SS Walking: Sprout Tower 2F and 3F, Bell Tower (all floors), Burned Tower (all floors), Safari Zone Mountain
Pokéwalker: Volcano Path
Meditite can only be found outside of the Pokéwalker when Sinnoh Sound is active.
Meditite can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Medicham HG SS Evolve Meditite Medicham can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Wasteland
Electrike HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Rocky Beach Electrike can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Manectric HG SS Evolve Electrike Manectric can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Plains, Rocky Beach, and Wasteland
Plusle HG SS Walking: Routes 29, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 46, 48, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, National Park Plusle can only be found when Hoenn Sound is active.
Minun HG SS Walking: Routes 29, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 46, 48, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, National Park Minun can only be found when Hoenn Sound is active.
Volbeat HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest, Safari Zone Mountain
Pokéwalker: Hoenn Field
Volbeat can only be found in the Bug-Catching Contest and Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Illumise HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest, Safari Zone Wasteland
Pokéwalker: Hoenn Field
Illumise can only be found in the Bug-Catching Contest and Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Roselia HG SS Evolve Budew Roselia can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Marshland
Gulpin HG SS Walking: Route 3 Gulpin can only be found on Route 3 during a Swarm.
Swalot HG SS Evolve Gulpin
Carvanha HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Pokéwalker: Warm Beach
Sharpedo HG SS Evolve Carvanha, trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Wailmer HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Pokéwalker: Warm Beach
Wailord HG SS Evolve Wailmer, trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Numel HG SS Walking: Ilex Forest, Viridian Forest Numel can only be found when Hoenn Sound is active.
Camerupt HG SS Evolve Numel
Torkoal HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Savannah Torkoal can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Spoink HG SS Walking: Ilex Forest, Viridian Forest Spoink can only be found when Hoenn Sound is active.
Grumpig HG SS Evolve Spoink
Spinda HG SS Walking: Sprout Tower 2F and 3F, Bell Tower (all floors), Burned Tower (all floors), Safari Zone Desert Spinda can only be found outside of the Safari Zone when Hoenn Sound is active.
Spinda can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Trapinch HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Desert Trapinch can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Vibrava HG SS Evolve Trapinch Vibrava can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Desert
Flygon HG SS Evolve Vibrava
Cacnea HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Desert Cacnea can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Cacturne HG SS Evolve Cacnea Cacturne can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Savannah and Desert
Swablu HG SS Walking: Route 45 Swablu can only be found on Route 45 during a Swarm.
Altaria HG SS Evolve Swablu
Zangoose HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Plains and Peak Zangoose can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Seviper HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Marshland Seviper can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Lunatone HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Mountain Lunatone can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Solrock HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Wasteland Solrock can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Barboach HG SS Fishing (Super Rod): Safari Zone Marshland Barboach can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Whiscash HG SS Evolve Barboach Whiscash can only be found in Violet City during a Swarm.
HG SS Fishing (any Rod): Violet City
Corphish HG SS Fishing (Good Rod): Safari Zone Wetland
Fishing (Super Rod): Safari Zone Rocky Beach
Corphish can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Crawdaunt HG SS Evolve Corphish
Baltoy HG SS Walking: Route 3 Baltoy can only be found on Route 3 during a Swarm.
Claydol HG SS Evolve Baltoy
Lileep HG SS Gift: Pewter Museum (Revive from Root Fossil) Fossils can be revived in either game, but Root Fossils can only be found naturally in SoulSilver.
Cradily HG SS Evolve Lileep
Anorith HG SS Gift: Pewter Museum (Revive from Claw Fossil) Fossils can be revived in either game, but Claw Fossils can only be found naturally in HeartGold.
Armaldo HG SS Evolve Anorith
Feebas HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Pokéwalker: Quiet Cave
Milotic HG SS Evolve Feebas, trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Castform HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Pokéwalker: Treehouse
Kecleon HG SS Trade from Diamond or Platinum or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Pokéwalker: Treehouse
Shuppet HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Forest Shuppet can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Banette HG SS Evolve Shuppet Banette can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Pokédex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Marshland
Duskull HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Swamp
Surfing: Safari Zone Swamp
Pokéwalker: Winner's Path
Duskull can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Dusclops HG SS Evolve Duskull Dusclops can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Mountain
Tropius HG SS Trade from Platinum or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Pokéwalker: Big Forest
Chimecho HG SS Evolve Chingling Chimecho can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Swamp
Absol HG SS Walking: Dark Cave (all areas), Union Cave (all floors), Whirl Islands (all floors), Cliff Cave, Mt. Mortar (all areas), Ice Path (all floors), Tohjo Falls, Victory Road (all floors), Mt. Moon, Diglett's Cave, Rock Tunnel (both floors), Seafoam Islands (all floors), Mt. Silver 1F, 2F, Moltres' room, Expert Belt room, 3F, lower mountainside, and upper mountainside, Cerulean Cave (all floors) Absol can only be found when Hoenn Sound is active.
Wynaut HG SS Breed Wobbuffet
Snorunt HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Pokéwalker: Icy Mountain Rd.
Glalie HG SS Evolve Snorunt, trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Spheal HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Peak Spheal can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Sealeo HG SS Evolve Spheal Sealeo can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Mountain
Walrein HG SS Evolve Sealeo
Clamperl HG SS Surfing: Route 19 Clamperl can only be found on Route 19 during a Swarm.
Huntail HG SS Evolve Clamperl Huntail evolves by trading.
Gorebyss HG SS Evolve Clamperl Gorebyss evolves by trading.
Relicanth HG SS Fishing (any Rod): Route 12 Relicanth can only be found on Route 12 during a Swarm.
Luvdisc HG SS Surfing: Route 27 Luvdisc can only be found on Route 27 during a Swarm.
Bagon HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Swamp Bagon can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Shelgon HG SS Evolve Bagon Shelgon can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Wetland
Salamence HG SS Evolve Shelgon
Beldum HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Forest
In-Game Trade: Silph Co.
Pokéwalker: Winner's Path
Beldum can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
The in-game trade is for the player's Forretress.
Metang HG SS Evolve Beldum Metang can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Mountain
Metagross HG SS Evolve Metang
Regirock HG SS Trade from Platinum or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Regice HG SS Trade from Platinum or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Registeel HG SS Trade from Platinum or transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
Latias HG SS Walking: Roaming Legend If she is defeated or run from, she will reappear after defeating the Elite Four and triggering her in Vermilion Fan Club.
The Enigma Stone item that allowed the player to catch Latias in Pewter City was only available without glitches or hacking in a Wi-Fi distribution between 2009 and 2010.
HG SS Static: Pewter City
Latios HG SS Static: Pewter City If he is defeated or run from, he will reappear after defeating the Elite Four and triggering him in Vermilion Fan Club.
The Enigma Stone item that allowed the player to catch Latios in Pewter City was only available without glitches or hacking in a Wi-Fi distribution between 2009 and 2010.
HG SS Walking: Roaming Legend
Kyogre HG SS Static: Embedded Tower Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear after defeating the Elite Four.
Groudon HG SS Static: Embedded Tower Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear after defeating the Elite Four.
Rayquaza HG SS Static: Embedded Tower Only one. If it is defeated or run from, it will reappear after defeating the Elite Four.
Jirachi HG SS The only way to obtain Jirachi without glitches or hacking was to receive it in an event for a physical copy of Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver between 2007 and 2010 or transfer it via Pal Park from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, or LeafGreen.
Deoxys HG SS The only way to obtain Deoxys without glitches or hacking was to receive it in an event for a physical copy of Diamond or Pearl 2007 and 2008, transfer it from Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs, or transfer it via Pal Park from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, or LeafGreen.
Turtwig HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Grotle HG SS Evolve Turtwig or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Torterra HG SS Evolve Grotle or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Chimchar HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Monferno HG SS Evolve Chimchar or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Infernape HG SS Evolve Monferno or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Piplup HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Prinplup HG SS Evolve Piplup or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Empoleon HG SS Evolve Prinplup or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Starly HG SS Headbutt (Special): Pewter City
Staravia HG SS Evolve Starly
Staraptor HG SS Evolve Staravia
Bidoof HG SS Walking: Routes 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 26, 27, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 21, 22, 24, 25, and 28, Ruins of Alph Outside, Safari Zone Forest, Mt. Silver Outside
Pokéwalker: Sinnoh Field
Bidoof can only be found outside of the Pokéwalker and Safari Zone when Sinnoh Sound is active.
Bidoof can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Bibarel HG SS Evolve Bidoof
HG SS Pokéwalker: Big Forest
Kricketot HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest, Viridian Forest
Pokéwalker: Sinnoh Field
Kricketot can only be found in the Bug-Catching Contest after obtaining the National Dex.
Kricketot can only be found in Viridian Forest during a Swarm.
Kricketune HG SS Evolve Kricketot Kricketune can only be found in the Bug-Catching Contest after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
Shinx HG SS Walking: Routes 29, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 46, 48, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, National Park, Safari Zone Plains
Pokéwalker: Sinnoh Field
Shinx can only be found outside of the Pokéwalker and Safari Zone when Sinnoh Sound is active.
Shinx can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Luxio HG SS Evolve Shinx Luxio can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Savannah
Luxray HG SS Evolve Luxio
Budew HG SS Walking: Ilex Forest, Safari Zone Rocky Beach and Forest, Viridian Forest
Pokéwalker: Sinnoh Field
Budew can only be found outside of the Pokéwalker and Safari Zone when Sinnoh Sound is active.
Budew can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Roserade HG SS Evolve Roselia
Cranidos HG SS Gift: Pewter Museum (Revive from Skull Fossil) Fossils can be revived in either game, but Skull Fossils must be traded from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
Rampardos HG SS Evolve Cranidos or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Shieldon HG SS Gift: Pewter Museum (Revive from Armor Fossil) Fossils can be revived in either game, but Armor Fossils must be traded from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
Bastiodon HG SS Evolve Shieldon or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Burmy HG SS Headbutt (Special): Route 38
Wormadam HG SS Evolve Burmy
Mothim HG SS Evolve Burmy
Combee HG SS Walking: Bug-Catching Contest
Headbutt (Groups A and B): Cerulean City, Vermilion City, Celadon City, Routes 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 16, and 25
Headbutt (Special): Route 25
Pokéwalker: Sinnoh Field
Combee can only be found in the Bug-Catching Contest after obtaining the National Dex.
Vespiquen HG SS Evolve Combee
Pachirisu HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Wetland and Swamp
Pokéwalker: Resort, Rally
Pachirisu can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Buizel HG SS Walking: Routes 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 26, 27, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, Ruins of Alph Outside, Safari Zone Wetland, Mt. Silver Outside
Pokéwalker: White Lake
Buizel can only be found outside of the Pokéwalker and Safari Zone when Sinnoh Sound is active.
Buizel can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Floatzel HG SS Evolve Buizel Floatzel can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Swamp
Cherubi HG SS Headbutt (Special): National Park
Cherrim HG SS Evolve Cherubi
Shellos (West)
Shellos (West) HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Pokéwalker: Stormy Beach
Shellos (East)
Shellos (East) HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Gastrodon (West)
Gastrodon (West) HG SS Evolve Shellos (West) or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Gastrodon (East)
Gastrodon (East) HG SS Evolve Shellos (East) or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Ambipom HG SS Evolve Aipom
Drifloon HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Drifblim HG SS Evolve Drifloon or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Buneary HG SS Walking: Route 25
Pokéwalker: Rally
Buneary can only be found on Route 25 during a Swarm.
Lopunny HG SS Evolve Buneary
Mismagius HG SS Evolve Misdreavus
Honchkrow HG SS Evolve Murkrow
Glameow HG SS Trade from Pearl
Purugly HG SS Evolve Glameow or trade from Pearl
Chingling HG SS Walking: Dark Cave (all areas), Union Cave (all floors), Whirl Islands (all floors), Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Mountain, Mt. Mortar (all areas), Ice Path (all floors), Tohjo Falls, Victory Road (all floors), Mt. Moon, Diglett's Cave, Rock Tunnel (both floors), Seafoam Islands (all floors), Mt. Silver 1F, 2F, Moltres' room, Expert Belt room, 3F, lower mountainside, and upper mountainside, Cerulean Cave (all floors)
Pokéwalker: White Lake, Quiet Cave
Chingling can only be found outside of the Pokéwalker and Safari Zone when Sinnoh Sound is active.
Chingling can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Stunky HG SS Trade from Diamond
Skuntank HG SS Evolve Stunky or trade from Diamond
Bronzor HG SS Walking: Dark Cave (all areas), Union Cave (all floors), Whirl Islands (all floors), Cliff Cave, Safari Zone Peak, Mt. Mortar (all areas), Ice Path (all floors), Tohjo Falls, Victory Road (all floors), Mt. Moon, Diglett's Cave, Rock Tunnel (both floors), Seafoam Islands (all floors), Mt. Silver 1F, 2F, Moltres' room, Expert Belt room, 3F, lower mountainside, and upper mountainside, Cerulean Cave (all floors)
Pokéwalker: Icy Mountain Rd., Winner's Path
Bronzor can only be found outside of the Pokéwalker and Safari Zone when Sinnoh Sound is active.
Bronzor can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Bronzong HG SS Evolve Bronzor Bronzong can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Forest
Bonsly HG SS Breed Sudowoodo
HG SS Pokéwalker: Big Forest
Mime Jr.
Mime Jr. HG SS Breed Mr. Mime
HG SS Pokéwalker: Sinnoh Field
Happiny HG SS Breed a Chansey or Blissey
HG SS Pokéwalker: Amity Meadow
Chatot HG SS Walking: Sprout Tower 2F and 3F, Bell Tower (all floors), Burned Tower (all floors)
Pokéwalker: Rally
Chatot can only be found outside of the Pokéwalker when Sinnoh Sound is active.
Spiritomb HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Pokéwalker: Quiet Cave
Gible HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Rocky Beach Gible can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Gabite HG SS Evolve Gible
Garchomp HG SS Evolve Gabite
Munchlax HG SS Breed Snorlax
HG SS Pokéwalker: Quiet Cave, Winner's Path
Riolu HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Meadow Riolu can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Lucario HG SS Evolve Riolu
Hippopotas HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Desert Hippopotas can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Hippowdon HG SS Evolve Hippopotas
Skorupi HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Wasteland Skorupi can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Drapion HG SS Evolve Skorupi
Croagunk HG SS Walking: Safari Zone Marshland
Pokéwalker: Rally
Croagunk can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Toxicroak HG SS Evolve Croagunk
Carnivine HG SS Walking: Ilex Forest, Safari Zone Marshland and Desert, Viridian Forest Carnivine can only be found outside of the Safari Zone when Sinnoh Sound is active.
Carnivine can only be found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex.
Finneon HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Pokéwalker: Stormy Beach
Lumineon HG SS Evolve Finneon or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Mantyke HG SS Breed Mantine
Snover HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Pokéwalker: Icy Mountain Rd.
Abomasnow HG SS Evolve Snover or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Weavile HG SS Evolve Sneasel
Magnezone HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Magneton cannot evolve into Magnezone due to the lack of a magnetic field location.
Lickilicky HG SS Evolve Lickitung
Rhyperior HG SS Evolve Rhydon Rhydon evolves by trading.
Tangrowth HG SS Evolve Tangela
Electivire HG SS Evolve Electabuzz Electabuzz evolves by trading.
Magmortar HG SS Evolve Magmar Magmar evolves by trading.
Togekiss HG SS Evolve Togetic
Yanmega HG SS Evolve Yanma
Leafeon HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Eevee cannot evolve into Leafeon due to the lack of a mossy rock location.
Glaceon HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Eevee cannot evolve into Glaceon due to the lack of an icy rock location.
Gliscor HG SS Evolve Gligar
Mamoswine HG SS Evolve Piloswine
Porygon-Z HG SS Evolve Porygon2 Porygon2 evolves by trading.
Gallade HG SS Evolve Kirlia
Probopass HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Nosepass cannot evolve into Probopass due to the lack of a magnetic field location.
Dusknoir HG SS Evolve Dusclops Dusclops evolves by trading.
Froslass HG SS Evolve Snorunt or trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Rotom HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Its forms can be changed in Silph Co.
Uxie HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Mesprit HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Azelf HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Dialga HG SS Trade from Diamond or Platinum
Static: Sinjoh Ruins
Only one. It is mutually exclusive with Palkia and Giratina.
It can only be obtained in the Sinjoh Ruins with an Arceus that was distributed in an event between 2009 and 2010.
Palkia HG SS Trade from Pearl or Platinum
Static: Sinjoh Ruins
Only one. It is mutually exclusive with Dialga and Giratina.
It can only be obtained in the Sinjoh Ruins with an Arceus that was distributed in an event between 2009 and 2010.
Heatran HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Regigigas HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Giratina HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Static: Sinjoh Ruins
Only one. It is mutually exclusive with Dialga and Palkia.
It can only be obtained in the Sinjoh Ruins with an Arceus that was distributed in an event between 2009 and 2010.
Cresselia HG SS Trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum
Phione HG SS Breed Manaphy or trade it to Diamond or Pearl from My Pokémon Ranch after depositing 250 Pokémon
Manaphy HG SS The only way to obtain Manaphy without glitches or hacking was to receive it in an event for a physical copy of Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver between 2006 and 2011 or transfer it from one of the three Pokémon Ranger games.
Darkrai HG SS The only way to obtain Darkrai without glitches or hacking was to receive it in an event for a physical copy of Diamond or Pearl between 2007 and 2008, receive the Member Card item in Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum in an event between 2008 and 2009, or transfer it from Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.
Shaymin HG SS The only way to obtain Shaymin without glitches or hacking was to receive it in an event for a physical copy of Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver between 2008 and 2010, receive the Oak's Letter item in Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum in an event in 2009, or transfer it from Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs.
Arceus HG SS The only way to obtain Arceus without glitches or hacking was to receive it in an event for a physical copy of Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum between 2009 and 2010.