How Many Pokémon Can You Get Without Evolving or Breeding in Pokémon HeartGold?
The player can get up to 373 species total (394 with the Pokéwalker) in HeartGold without trading, as described here. Without evolving any Pokémon, and only collecting evolutionary stages that the player can get in the wild, as a gift or purchase, or from an in-game trade, the player can get up to 268 species (287 with the Pokéwalker). Of the 373 possible species in HeartGold, the Pokémon unavailable without evolving are as follows:
- Johto Starter Evolutions (2) - 2 total
- The Starters are only available in their base forms, leaving their evolutions inaccessible.
- Kanto Starter Evolutions (2) - 4 total
- The Starters are only available in their base forms, leaving their evolutions inaccessible.
- Hoenn Starter Evolutions (2) - 6 total
- The Starters are only available in their base forms, leaving their evolutions inaccessible.
- Stone Evolutions (24) - 30 total
- Raichu, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Clefable, Wigglytuff, Vileplume, Arcanine, Poliwrath, Victreebel, Cloyster, Exeggutor, Starmie, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Bellossom, Sunflora, Ludicolo, Shiftry, Roserade,
Mismagius, Honchkrow, Togekiss, and Gallade are inaccessible.
- Baby Pokémon (6) - 36 total
- Without the ability to breed, Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Wynaut, Happiny, and Mantyke are inaccessible.
- Pokéwalker Baby Pokémon (6) - 42 total
- Magby, Elekid, Smoochum, Mime Jr., Bonsly, and Munchlax can be obtained with the Pokéwalker, but are otherwise unavailable.
- Other (63) - 105 total
- Pidgeot, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Espeon, Umbreon, Omastar, Dragonite, Crobat, Togetic, Ampharos, Azumarill, Forretress, Granbull, Magcargo, Piloswine, Octillery, Hitmontop, Blissey, Tyranitar,
Mightyena, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Slaking, Ninjask, Shedinja, Loudred, Exploud, Hariyama, Aggron, Camerupt, Grumpig, Flygon, Altaria, Crawdaunt, Claydol, Armaldo, Walrein,
Salamence, Metagross, Staravia, Staraptor, Bibarel, Luxray, Wormadam, Mothim, Vespiquen, Cherrim, Ambipom, Lopunny, Gabite, Garchomp, Lucario, Hippowdon, Drapion, Toxicroak, Weavile, Lickilicky,
Tangrowth, Yanmega, Gliscor and Mamoswine are inaccessible.
- Pokéwalker Evolutions (8)
- Even if the Pokéwalker is used, Delcatty, Sharpedo, Wailord, Milotic, Glalie, Froslass, Gastrodon, Lumineon, and Abomasnow still cannot be obtained. However, Bibarel can be obtained, making this a net loss of 8 for Pokéwalker players.
Professor Oak(-ish) Challenge Notes
This just contains a list of areas you can find each Pokémon, ordered as though you are playing a Professor Oak challenge and therefore need to obtain every Pokémon as early as possible.
Pre-Badge 1 (Falkner) - 19 Total Pokémon (55 with Pokéwalker)
By speaking to Primo in Violet City, the player can obtain a Slugma egg in exchange for a password. If you choose to get this egg, you can get Slugma for a total of 20 Pokémon.
- Gift in New Bark Town: One starter (1 total)
- Walking on Route 29: Pidgey (2 total)
- Walking on Route 29: Sentret (3 total)
- Walking on Route 29: Hoothoot (4 total)
- Walking on Route 29: Rattata (5 total)
- Walking on Route 46: Geodude (6 total)
- Walking on Route 46: Spearow (7 total)
- Walking on Route 30: Caterpie, Metapod (9 total)
- Walking on Route 30: Spinarak (10 total)
- Walking on Route 31: Bellsprout (11 total)
- Walking in Dark Cave (Route 31/46 side): Zubat (12 total)
- Walking in Dark Cave (Route 31/46 side): Dunsparce (13 total)
- In-game Trade in Violet City: Onix: Trade your Bellsprout (14 total)
- Walking in Sprout Tower: Gastly (15 total)
- Walking in the Ruins of Alph Inside: Unown (16 total)
- Walking on Route 32: Hoppip (17 total)
- Walking on Route 32: Wooper (18 total) (alternatively, get a Wooper egg from Primo)
- Walking on Route 32: Mareep (19 total) (alternatively, get a Mareep egg from Primo)
With access to the Pokéwalker, the player can obtain the following Pokémon. Since Slowpoke can be obtained here, so can Headbutt encounters; you will have to train Slowpoke to level 25. The total with Pokéwalker access is 55.
- Refreshing Forest: Nidoran♀, Nidoran♂, Doduo, Kangaskhan (23 total)
- Noisy Forest: Oddish, Paras, Venonat, Wobbuffet (27 total)
- Rugged Road: Machop, Ponyta, Magby (30 total)
- Beautiful Beach: Sunkern, Poliwag, Slowpoke, Psyduck, Staryu (35 total)
- Suburban Area: Magnemite, Murkrow, Elekid (38 total)
- Dim Cave: Smoochum (39 total)
- Blue Lake: Tentacool, Goldeen, Krabby, Shellder, Dratini (44 total)
- Town Outskirts: Grimer, Koffing, Voltorb, Abra, Furret (49 total)
- Headbutt (Groups A and B) in Violet City: Exeggcute (50 total)
- Headbutt (Group A) in Violet City: Pineco (51 total)
- Headbutt (Groups A and B) on Route 46: Aipom (52 total)
- Headbutt (Group A) on Route 46: Heracross (53 total)
- Headbutt (Group B) in Ilex Forest: Noctowl (54 total)
- Headbutt (Group B) in Ilex Forest: Butterfree (55 total)
Badge 1 through Badge 2 (Bugsy) - 35 Total Pokémon (58 with Pokéwalker)
To use Headbutt here before being able to use Cut, you will need to use Slowpoke, who learns Headbutt at level 25.
Badge 2 through Badge 3 (Whitney) - 53 Total Pokémon (69 with Pokéwalker)
Badge 3 through Badge 4 (Morty) - 77 Total Pokémon (88 with Pokéwalker)
Badge 4 through Badge 5 (Pryce) - 122 Total Pokémon (127 with Pokéwalker)
Badge 5 through Badge 7 (Chuck) - 124 Total Pokémon (129 with Pokéwalker)
Badge 7 through Badge 8 (Clair) - 131 Total Pokémon (136 with Pokéwalker)
- Walking on Route 44: Tangela (125 total)
- Walking on Route 44: Weepinbell (126 total)
- Fishing on Route 44: Remoraid (127 total)
- Walking in the Ice Path: Jynx (128 total)
- Walking in the Ice Path: Swinub (129 total)
- Walking on Route 45: Phanpy (130 total)
- Walking on Route 45: Gligar (131 total)
Badge 8 through Elite Four - 136 Total Pokémon (140 with Pokéwalker)
Elite Four through Badge 9 (Misty) - 255 Total Pokémon (275 with Pokéwalker)
Several Pokémon need to be captured as both their base form and evolved form via the Safari Zone. I have attempted to create a method for getting through this as quickly as possible, but have not yet tested it. Only Pokémon for which the Safari Zone is required are listed.
First, set the six areas of the Safari Zone to Plains, Swamp, Rocky Beach, Mountain, Meadow, and Wetland.
In the Plains, you can get the following Pokémon immediately:
- Houndoom: Set 10 Rocks objects (137 total)
- Manectric: Set 15 Plains objects (138 total)
- After catching Houndoom and Manectric, swap the Plains area for the Forest area.
- Parasect: Set 3 Plains objects (139 total)
- Chimecho: Set 15 Forest objects (140 total)
- Duskull: Set 28 Peak objects (141 total)
- Floatzel: Set 10 Water objects (142 total)
Rocky Beach:
- Electrike: Set 10 Plains objects (143 total)
- Aron: Set 24 Rocks objects (144 total)
- Lunatone: Set 15 Rocks objects (145 total)
- Nuzleaf: Set 28 Forest objects (146 total)
- Masquerain (Surfing): Set 10 Water objects (147 total)
- Surskit: Set 6 Plains objects (148 total)
- Lombre: Set 14 Plains objects (149 total)
- Pachirisu: Set 8 Forest objects (150 total)
After 70 total days:
- Nosepass: Set 12 Rocks objects (151 total)
- Riolu: Set 14 Rocks and 10 Forest objects (152 total)
- After catching Nosepass and Riolu, swap the Meadow area for the Peak area.
- Lairon: Set 24 Rocks objects (153 total)
- Zangoose: Set 4 Plains objects (154 total)
- Shelgon: Set 21 Rocks objects (155 total)
- After catching Shelgon, swap the Wetland area for the Wasteland area.
- Skorupi: Set 28 Rocks objects (156 total)
After 80 total days:
- Dusclops: Set 12 Forest objects (157 total)
- Metang: Set 19 Rocks objects (158 total)
- Sealeo: Set 17 Water and 7 Rocks objects (159 total)
- After catching Dusclops, Metang, and Sealeo, swap the Mountain area for the Desert area.
- Hippopotas: Set 28 Rocks objects (160 total)
- Lotad: Set 8 Water objects (161 total)
After 100 total days:
- Medicham: Set 18 Forest objects (162 total)
- Breloom: Set 21 Forest objects (163 total)
- Solrock: Set 21 Rocks objects (164 total)
- After catching Medicham, Breloom, and Solrock, swap the Wasteland area for the Marshland area.
- Jumpluff: Set 5 Plains objects (165 total)
Rocky Beach:
- Gible: Set 13 Plains and 17 Rocks objects (166 total)
- After catching Gible, swap the Rocky Beach area for the Savannah area.
- Luxio: Set 24 Plains objects (167 total)
- Rhydon: Set 10 Rocks objects (168 total)
- Azurill: Set 5 Water objects (169 total)
After 110 total days:
- Shuppet: Set 9 Forest objects (170 total)
- Bronzong: Set 14 Rocks and 9 Forest objects (171 total)
- Beldum: Set 21 Rocks objects (172 total)
- Bagon: Set 14 Rocks and 9 Forest objects (173 total)
- Cacnea: Set 18 Forest objects (174 total)
- Vibrava: Set 25 Forest objects (175 total)
- Trapinch: Set 25 Rocks objects (176 total)
After 130 total days:
- Torkoal: Set 18 Rocks objects (177 total)
- Cacturne: Set 18 Forest objects (178 total)
- Vigoroth: Set 19 Forest and 10 Plains objects (179 total)
- Spheal: Set 18 Water objects (180 total)
- Seviper: Set 18 Plains objects (181 total)
- Croagunk: Set 21 Forest objects (182 total)
- Roselia: Set 25 Forest objects (183 total)
- Banette: Set 25 Rocks objects (184 total)
The rest of the Pokémon in this section can be obtained normally in other locations.
- Walking on Route 29 (Hoenn Sound): Plusle (185 total)
- Walking on Route 29 (Hoenn Sound): Minun (186 total)
- Walking on Route 29 (Sinnoh Sound): Shinx (187 total)
- Walking on Route 30 (Hoenn Sound): Whismur (188 total)
- Walking on Route 30 (Hoenn Sound): Linoone (189 total)
- Walking on Route 30 (Sinnoh Sound): Buizel (190 total)
- Walking on Route 30 (Sinnoh Sound): Bidoof (191 total)
- Walking on Dark Cave (Hoenn Sound): Absol (192 total)
- Walking on Dark Cave (Hoenn Sound): Makuhita (193 total)
- Walking on Dark Cave (Sinnoh Sound): Bronzor (194 total)
- Walking on Dark Cave (Sinnoh Sound): Chingling (195 total)
- Walking on Sprout Tower (Hoenn Sound): Zigzagoon (196 total)
- Walking on Sprout Tower (Hoenn Sound): Spinda (197 total)
- Walking on Sprout Tower (Sinnoh Sound): Chatot (198 total)
- Walking on Sprout Tower (Sinnoh Sound): Meditite (199 total)
- Walking in Ilex Forest (Hoenn Sound): Spoink (200 total)
- Walking in Ilex Forest (Hoenn Sound): Numel (201 total)
- Walking in Ilex Forest (Sinnoh Sound): Budew (202 total)
- Walking in Ilex Forest (Sinnoh Sound): Carnivine (203 total)
- Walking in the Bug-Catching Contest (Thursdays): Silcoon, Dustox (205 total)
- Walking in the Bug-Catching Contest (Thursdays): Volbeat (206 total)
- Walking in the Bug-Catching Contest (Saturdays): Cascoon, Beautifly (208 total)
- Walking in the Bug-Catching Contest (Saturdays): Illumise (209 total)
- Walking in the Bug-Catching Contest (Thursdays or Saturdays): Nincada (210 total)
- Walking in the Bug-Catching Contest (Thursdays or Saturdays): Kricketot, Kricketune (212 total)
- Fishing (any Rod) in Violet City (Swarm): Whiscash (213 total)
- Walking on Route 34 (Swarm): Ralts (214 total)
- Walking on Route 45 (Swarm): Swablu (215 total)
- Surfing on Route 27 (Swarm): Luvdisc (216 total)
- Surfing in Vermilion City (Swarm): Wingull (217 total)
- Headbutt (Groups A and B) in Vermilion City: Combee (218 total)
- Walking on Route 24: Venomoth (219 total)
- Walking on Route 25 (Swarm): Buneary (220 total)
- Headbutt (Special) on Route 25: Slakoth (221 total)
- Walking on Route 9 (Swarm): Sableye (222 total)
- Walking on Route 9: Primeape (223 total)
- Walking on Route 10: Electabuzz (224 total)
- Walking on Route 8: Kadabra (225 total)
- Walking on Route 7: Houndour (226 total)
- Walking on Route 16: Muk (227 total)
- Walking on Route 16: Slugma (228 total) (if you didn't get the Slugma egg earlier)
- Purchase in Celadon Game Corner: Porygon (229 total)
- Headbutt on Route 12: Wurmple (230 total)
- Fishing (any Rod) on Route 12 (Swarm): Relicanth (231 total)
- Walking on Route 14: Chansey (232 total)
- Static encounter in Vermilion City: Snorlax (233 total)
- Walking in Diglett's Cave: Dugtrio (234 total)
- Walking on Route 1: Furret (235 total)
- Walking on Route 1 (Swarm): Poochyena (236 total)
- Walking on Route 2: Ariados (237 total)
- Walking in Viridian Forest: Pikachu (238 total)
- Headbutt (Groups A and B) in Viridian Forest: Seedot (239 total)
- Headbutt (Groups A and B) in Viridian Forest: Shroomish (240 total)
- Headbutt (Special) in Pewter City: Starly (241 total)
- In-game Trade in Pewter City: Xatu: Trade your Haunter (242 total)
- Revive Old Amber in Pewter Museum: Aerodactyl (243 total)
- Revive a Helix Fossil in Pewter Museum: Omanyte (244 total)
- Revive a Claw Fossil in Pewter Museum: Anorith (245 total)
- Walking on Route 3 (Swarm): Baltoy (246 total)
- Walking in Seafoam Islands B3F and B4F: Dewgong (247 total)
- Static encounter in Seafoam Islands B4F: Articuno (248 total)
- Surfing on Route 19 (Swarm): Clamperl (249 total)
- Static encounter in the Whirl Islands B3F: Lugia (250 total)
- Fishing (Super Rod) in New Bark Town: Lanturn (251 total)
- Fishing (Super Rod) in the Dragon's Den: Dragonair (252 total)
- Fishing (Super Rod) in the Safari Zone Rocky Beach with 15 Water objects: Corphish (253 total)
- Fishing (Super Rod) in the Safari Zone Marshland with 4 Water objects: Barboach (254 total)
- Roaming Legend: Latias (255 total)
With access to the Pokéwalker, the player can obtain the following Pokémon, bringing the total to 275. The three missing from the below list are Magby, Elekid, and Smoochum, which can be obtained before the very first Badge with the Pokéwalker but cannot be obtained otherwise.
- Hoenn Field: Skitty (256 total)
- Warm Beach: Carvanha, Wailmer (258 total)
- Treehouse: Kecleon, Castform (260 total)
- Sinnoh Field: Mime Jr. (261 total)
- Icy Mountain Rd.: Snorunt, Snover, Sneasel (264 total)
- Big Forest: Tropius, Bonsly, Bibarel (267 total)
- Stormy Beach: Finneon, Shellos (West Sea only) (269 total)
- Quiet Cave: Feebas, Spiritomb, Munchlax (272 total)
Badge 9 through Badge 16 - 256 Total Pokémon (276 with Pokéwalker)
- Static encounter on Route 25: Suicune (256 total)
Badge 16 through defeating Red - 265 Total Pokémon (284 with Pokéwalker)
- Headbutt (Special) in Cherrygrove City: Taillow (257 total)
- Headbutt (Special) on Route 38: Burmy (258 total)
- Headbutt (Special) in National Park: Cherubi (259 total)
- Static encounter on Route 10: Zapdos (260 total)
- Static encounter on Cerulean Cave B1F: Mewtwo (261 total)
- Walking on Route 28: Sneasel (262 total)
- Walking on Route 28: Rapidash (263 total)
- Walking in Mt. Silver Expert Belt room: Pupitar (264 total)
- Static encounter in Mt. Silver (Moltres' room): Moltres (265 total)
After defeating Red - 268 Total Pokémon (287 with Pokéwalker)